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9–13 Feb 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone
<font color="darkblue" > School Dinner today Thursday at 19:30, CERN restaurant. Please bring your tickets </font>

WG6: F-theory phenomenology

Working group 6: F-theory phenomenology

Organizers: M. Gomez-Reino, F. Marchesano, G. Villadoro

Moderators: B. Campbell, A. Collinucci, F. Marchesano

Date, time, and location: Tuesday 10th, 17:00h, room 60-6-002

There has recently been a surge of excitement in F-theory model building and its phenomenological possibilities. In brief, F-theory compactifications on Calabi-Yau fourfolds provide a way to describe a class of string theory vacua which contain several features necessary in supersymmetric grand unified models of particle physics. In this working group we intend to discuss the recent developments in this subject: details of the constructions, matter content, effective superpotentials, phenomenological imprints, differences and similarities with heterotic/type II models ... We will also discuss the issue of possible supersymmetry breaking mechanisms within these setups. In the final part we will have a free discussion on the above issues and on potential new developments for the future.

1-"GUTs and Exceptional Branes in F-theory - I and II," C.Beasley, J.J.Heckman and C.Vafa, arXiv:0802.3391 and arXiv:0806.0102

2-"F-theory, GUTs, and the Weak Scale," J.J.Heckman and C.Vafa, arXiv:0809.1098

3-"From F-theory GUTs to the LHC," J.J.Heckman and C.Vafa, arXiv:0809.3452

4-"Instantons and SUSY breaking in F-theory," J.J.Heckman, J.Marsano, N.Saulina, S.Schafer-Nameki and C.Vafa, arXiv:0808.1286

5-"Model Building with F-Theory," R.Donagi and M.Wijnholt, arXiv:0802.2969

6-"F-Theory, GUTs and Chiral Matter," M. Wijnholt, arXiv:0809.3878