Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

6–11 Jun 2016
Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös, Hungary
CET timezone
All the talks presented at Low-x 2016 are cordially invited to the online-only, free to read and free of charge journal JCEGI, to its second volume on Special Topics in High Energy Physics. Check the News for more details.


International Organizing Committee

Local Organizing Committee

F. Barreiro (Madrid)
J. Bartels (Hamburg)
A. Bialas (Cracow)
I. Caprini (Bucharest)
T. Csörgő (Budapest/Gyöngyös)
J. Chwastowski (Cracow)
J. Chyla (Prague)
R. Denevish (Oxford)
J. Dias de Deus (Lisbon)
R. Fiore (Cosenza)
K. Goulianos (New York)
Y. Hatta (Kyoto)
E. Iancu (Saclay)
V. Khoze (Durham)
Ch. Ktorides (Athens)
P. Landshoff (Cambridge)
M. Lublinsky (Beer-Sheva/Storrs)
U. Maor (Tel Aviv)
C. Marquet (Palaiseau)
A. Martin (Durham)
P. van Mechelen (Antwerpen)
C. Merino (Compostela)
S. Milov (Rehovot)
A. Mueller (New York)
R. Orava (Helsinki)
A. Papa (Cosenza)
R. Peschanski (Saclay)
F. Ptochos (Cyprus)
M. Praszalowicz (Cracow)
M. Przybycien (Cracow)
A. de Roeck (CERN)
Ch. Royon (Kansas, chair)
G. Soyez (Saclay)
A. Szczurek (Cracow)
K. Tokushuku (Tsukuba)
E. de Wolf (Antwerpen)
T. Csörgő (chair) (Károly Róbert College and Wigner RCP)
T. Novák (co-chair) (Károly Róbert College)
M. Csanád (secretary) (Eötvös University)
L. Jenkovszky (BITP Kiev)
F. Nemes (Wigner RCP - CERN)
A. Ster (Wigner RCP)
J. Sziklai (Wigner RCP)