Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

19–31 Jul 2010
Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese
Europe/Zurich timezone


The school will take place at the Institute for Scientific Studies in Cargese, Corsica.


  • Introduction to Collider Physics by D. Zeppenfeld (U. Karlsruhe),
  • Introduction to Higgs and  EW precision physics by A. Hoecker (CERN),
  • Introduction to QCD phenomenology at hadron colliders & Monte Carlo Tools for Collider Physics by P. Skands (CERN),
  • Jet physics by G. Salam (LPTHE Paris),
  • What have we learnt from the Tevatron for the LHC by Y. Gershtein (Rutgers U.),
  • BSM physics  by J. Terning (U.C. Davis),
  • MadGraph Tutorial by T. Stelzer (Urbana-Champaign) ,
  • Top quark physics by F. Maltoni (Louvain),
  • Tools for the New Physics by F. Boudjema (LAPTH Annecy),
  • The search for Supersymmetry by T. Plehn (U. Heidelberg),
  • Flavour physics and CP violation at LHC by Y. Nir (Weizmann Institute),
  • Dark Matter: model building, direct, indirect and collider signatures by N. Weiner (New York U.) ,
  • The road to discovery at LHC/data analysis I by F. Moortgat (ETH Zurich, CMS),
  • The road to discovery at LHC/data analysis II by G. Brooijmans (Columbia university, ATLAS),
  • Physics case for future accelerators by M. Mangano (CERN).

Application: On-line application has been open from December 1st, 2009 to March 7th, 2010. The student selection has been announced on March 30th, 2010.


  • Trombinoscope available here (low resolution).
  • Group photo available here (high resolution).
  • Picasa Album (with pictures of the lecturers): here
  • Cargese facebook group: here.
Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese