Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

A Review of the Mass Measurement Techniques proposed for the Large Hadron Collider

23 Jul 2010, 09:00
Salle 242B

Salle 242B

Parallel Session Talk 10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches) 10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)


Dr Christopher Gorham Lester (University of Cambridge)


We review the methods which have been proposed for measuring masses of new particles at the Large Hadron Collider paying particular attention to the kinematical techniques suitable for extracting mass information when invisible particles are expected. This talk is, in effect, a companion to a recent review with the same title: (Barr & Lester)

Primary author

Dr Christopher Gorham Lester (University of Cambridge)


Dr Alan James Barr (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials