3 June 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

This site documents work, techniques and events related to the ongoing development of the Large Hadron electron Collider LHeC as an upgrade of the HL-LHC, and the prospect of hadron-electron scattering with the Future Circular Collider FCC, the FCC-eh. These projects will be the cleanest high resolution microscope in the world, dedicated to Higgs physics, searches for new phenomena and high precision electroweak and QCD physics, with strong synergies and implications on colliders in the same or different colliding modes, hh/AA and e+e-.

The website aims at documenting the developments on the design of the highest energy Energy Recovery Linacs ERL. It also presents the ep and eA physics prospects and the design of a new detector. This website  is thus dedicated to the future of deep-inelastic scattering as an integral part of high-energy physics. These developments are guided by an International Advisory Committee following a corresponding mandate from CERN.
