9:29 AM
Plenary Session “Ethics in Search”
Session Chair: Anton Frank (Open Search Foundation/Technical University of Munich)
9:30 AM
"Search Ethics and Data Democracy – How we all have a responsibility creating a data democracy where neither state nor big tech control our lives via data"
Pernille Tranberg, co-founder of the European thinkdotank DataEthics.eu, speaker and advisor in data democracy, data ethics, data understanding and digital self-defense
9:44 AM
"“Data Ethics Decision Aid (DEDA): How to implement Ethical Decisions step-by step in Data Projects”"
Nelly Clausen and Dr. Mirko Schäfer, University of Utrecht/Utrecht Data School
10:00 AM
"Why the Internet search needs ethical guardrails"
Christine Plote (Open Search Foundation)
(Open Search Foundation e.V.)
10:15 AM
Panel Discussion