Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

11–13 Oct 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone


Research Track – “Search and Discovery”

12 Oct 2021, 15:30


Research Track – “Search and Discovery”

  • Sesson Chair: Maria Dimou (CERN)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Session Chair: Maria Dimou (CERN) (CERN)
12/10/2021, 15:30
Igor Jakovljevic (Graz University of Technology & CERN) (Graz University of Technology)
12/10/2021, 15:31
Carina Antunes (CERN) (CERN), Pedro Lourenco (CERN) (CERN)
12/10/2021, 15:50
Stephan Schwichtenberg (pi-lar GmbH) (pi-lar GmbH)
12/10/2021, 16:10
Julius Möller (University of Oldenburg) (University of Oldenburg)
12/10/2021, 16:30
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