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OSSYM 2021 - 3rd International Open Search Symposium

Andreas Wagner (CERN), Christian Guetl (TU Graz, Austria), Michael Granitzer (Univ. Passau. Germany), Stefan Voigt (Open Search Foundation)

11-13 October 2021

The 3rd International Open Search Symposium is bringing together the Open Internet Search community in Europe, involving science, computing centres, libraries, politics, legal and ethics experts and society, the Open Search Symposium series provides a forum to discuss and  advance the ideas and concepts of Open Internet search in Europe.  ( Open Search Foundation)

Conference Programme  

Discuss interdisciplinary aspects of Open Search Technology
technical | ethical | legal | economic | awareness | applications

Conference Timetable

The detailed Timetable is available here

Conference format

The conference was held online hosted by CERN.


Tim Smith

Head of Collaboration, Devices and Applications Group, Informatgion Technology Department (CERN)

Astrid Mager
Institute of Technology Assessment, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW); research fellow at HIIG in the research program Internet Policy and Governance

Werner Stengg
Digital expert in the cabinet of EU Commissioner and Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager; responsible for coordination of digital policy, Artificial Intelligence and data economy, Platform Economy, Disinformation

Carla Hustedt
Head of the Division “Digitised Society” of Stiftung Mercator

Plenary Session: Alternative Search Approaches

Sridhar Ramaswamy
CEO and Co-Founder Neeva, former Google executive in charge of Ads

Dr. Leif-Nissen Lundbæk
CEO and Co-Founder Xayn
Prof. Dr. Michael Huth
Chief Research Officer and Co-Founder Xayn, Dean at Imperial College London

Rémi Berson
Software engineer at Brave Search, expert for privacy preserving technologies

Plenary Session: #ETHICSINSEARCH

Pernille Tranberg
Expert and advisor in data ethics and data democracy, co-founder of the European thinkdotank

Dr. Mirko Tobias Schäfer
Associate Professor at Utrecht University, co-founder and project leader of the Utrecht Data School

Nelly Clausen
Researcher at Utrecht University with focus on data ethics, project manager of DEDA German

Christine Plote
Open Search Foundation e. V., Co-manager of #ethicsinsearch

Day 1 | 11 Oct. 21

13:00 | Conference Opening

13.15 | Keynote
“Why Science needs Open Search”
Tim Smith, Head of Collaboration, Devices and Applications Group (CERN)

13.45 | "Economical Challenges of Open Search" 


14:30 | Research Track
"Federated Web-Crawling" - Part 1

  • URL Frontier: an open source API and implementation for crawl fron-tiers
  • Processing Crawled Data

15:15 | Virtual Coffee Break and Networking

15:45 | Research Track
"Federated Web-Crawling" - Part 2

  • Avoiding Useless Content While Crawling the Web Data Archive
  • From web graphs to prioritizing web crawls

Virtual Cocktails

End of Day 1

Day 2 | 12 Oct. 21


9:10 | Keynote
"Encoding social change? Analysis of open search technology between German hacker ethics and Asian start-up culture"
Astrid Mager

Institute of Technology Assessment, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW); lecturer at the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna

9:45 | Virtual Coffee Break and Networking

10:00 | Research Track
"Web Content Analysis"

  • The Impact of Main Content Extraction on Near-Duplicate Detection
  • FastWARC: Optimizing Large-Scale Web Archive Analytics
  • Keyphrase Extraction in Physics Publications and Patents, creation of a dataset
  • Understanding Websites

11.30 | Keynote European Dimension to Open Search
"European Commission perspective to Open Search"
Werner Stengg

Cabinet expert on the cabinet of Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, European Commission

12:30 | Lunch Break and Networking

13:30 | Plenary Session
"Alternative Search Approaches"

"Xayn: Reinventing Internet Search with Privacy and Convenience"
Dr. Leif-Nissen Lundbæk
CEO and Co-Founder Xayn
Prof. Dr. Michael Huth
Chief Research Officer and Co-Founder Xayn, Dean at Imperial College London

"Goggles: Democracy dies in Darkness, and so does The Web"
Rémi Berson

Software engineer at Brave Search, expert for privacy preserving technologies

Sridhar Ramaswamy
CEO and Co-Founder Neeva, former Google executive in charge of Ads

15:00 | Virtual Coffee Break and Networking

15:30 | Research Track
"Search and Discovery"

  • A Proposal for Client Based User Profiles for Open Search
  • Indico & Citadel Search: A collaboration case study
  • Neuropil – a distributed, privacy-preserving, search index structure
  • Searching on Heterogenous and Decentralized Data: A Short Review

17:00 |
End of Day 2

Day 3 | 13 Oct. 21

9:00 | Keynote
Carla Hustedt
Head of the Division “Digitised Society” of Stiftung Mercator

9:15 | Plenary Session
"Ethics in Search"

"Search Ethics and Data Democracy – How we all have a responsibility creating a data democracy where neither state nor big tech control our lives via data"
Pernille Tranberg
Expert and advisor in data ethics and data democracy, co-founder of the European thinkdotank

"Data Ethics Decision Aid (DEDA): How to implement Ethical Decisions step-by step in Data Projects"
Dr. Mirko Tobias Schäfer
Associate Professor at Utrecht University, co-founder and project leader of the Utrecht Data School
Nelly Clausen
Researcher at Utrecht University with focus on data ethics, project manager of DEDA German

"Why the Internet search needs ethical guardrails"
Christine Plote
Open Search Foundation e. V., Co-manager of #ethicsinsearch

Panel Discussion

10:30 | Virtual Coffee Break and Networking

11:00 | Research Track
"Open Search for Science and Education"

  • "Open Search @ DLR - towards transparent access to web-based information in science"
  • "Modules for Open Search in Mathematics Teaching"
  • "Towards Open Domain Literature Based Discovery"

12:00 | Lunch Break and Networking

13:00 | Research Track
"Cross cutting aspects"

  • Privacy in Open Search: A Review of Challenges and Solutions
  • The effect of search engine optimization on search results: The SEO Ef-fect project
  • The Development of a Social-Media-Strategy for the Open Search Foun-dataion Applying the Social-Media-Cycle
14:00 | Coffee Break

14:15 | Research Track

  • Improved Discovery and Access to Research Data in Energy Systems Analysis
  • Requirements for an Open Search Infrastructure from the Perspective of a Vertical Provider
  • Towards Open Search Applications for the Broader Community
  • Conceptual considerations for comprehensive and cooperative crawling and indexing the Web

16.00 | Updates from the OSF Working Groups
Tech, Economy, Awareness, Ethics, Legal, Applications

Closing Discussion

Way ahead and Farewell


Programme Committee

Prof. Dr. Wolf-Tilo Balke, L3S Research Center, Braunschweig, Germany
Prof. Dr. Alexander Decker, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany
Prof. Dr. Arjen P. de Vries, Radboud University, Netherlands
Dr. Christian Geminn, University Kassel, Germany
Prof. Dr. Michael Granitzer, University Passau, Germany
Prof. Dr. Christian Guetl, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich, University Bamberg, Germany
Prof. Dr. Robert Jäschke, Humboldt University Berlin & L3S, Hannover, Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Jensen, Ostfalia University of Applied Science, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Kaicer, Faculty of Sciences Kenitra, Morocco
Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker, University Bremen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre and LMU, Munich, Germany
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lewandowski, University of Applied Science, Hamburg, Germany
Prof. Dr. Engelbert Niehaus, University Koblenz-Landau, Landau, Germany
Dr. Uta Priss, Ostfalia University of Applied Science, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Prof. Dr. Christin Seifert, University of Twente, Netherlands
Dr. Stefan Voigt, Open Search Foundation, Germany
Dr. Andreas Wagner, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland


Symposium organizing committee

Dr. Andreas Wagner, CERN
Prof. Dr. Christian Guetl , TU Graz
Prof. Dr. Michael Granitzer, Univ. Passau
Dr. Stefan Voigt, open search foundation




    • Symposium Opening: Welcome & Keynotes
      Convener: Session Chair: Stefan Voigt (opensearchfoundation) (opensearchfoundation)
      • 1
        Symposium Opening & Keynotes: Welcome & Keynotes
        Speaker: Chair: Stefan Voigt (opensearchfoundation) & Andreas Wagner (CERN)
      • 2
        Welcome and Introduction
        Speaker: Symposium Organizing Committee
      • 3
        Keynote: "Why Science needs Open Search"
        Speaker: Tim Smith (Head of Collaboration, Devices and Applications Group, IT Department, CERN)
      • 4
        Interactive Impulse - "Economic Challenges of Open Search"
        Speaker: Olivier Blanchard (Open Search Foundation), Klaus Fuest (Principal Roland Berger Holding GmbH)
      • 5
        Discussion and Q&A
    • Research Track – "Federated Web-Crawling" - Part 1
      Convener: Session Chair: Christian Guetl (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
      • 6
        Research Track – "Federated Web-Crawling" - Part 1
        Speaker: Session Chair: Christian Guetl (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
      • 7
        "URL Frontier: an open source API and implementation for crawl frontiers"
        Speaker: Nioche Julien (DigitalPebble Ltd) (DigitalPebble Ltd)
      • 8
        "Processing Crawled Data"
        Speaker: Mark Overmeer (MarkOv Solutions) (MarkOv Solutions)
    • 15:15
      Virtual Coffee Break and Networking
    • Research Track – "Federated Web-Crawling" - Part 2
      Convener: Session Chair: Christian Guetl (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
      • 9
        Research Track – "Federated Web-Crawling" - Part 2
        Speaker: Session Chair: Christian Guetl (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
      • 10
        "Avoiding Useless Content While Crawling the Web"
        Speaker: Olaf Behrendt (infotiger UG) (infotiger UG)
      • 11
        "From web graphs to prioritizing web crawls"
        Speaker: Sebastian Nagel (CommonCrawl)
    • Virtual Icebreaker / Virtual Cocktails
    • Opening Day 2 & Keynote
      Convener: (tba)
      • 12
        Opening Day 2
        Speaker: Andreas Wagner (CERN)
      • 13
        "Encoding social change? Analysis of open search technology between German hacker ethics and Asian start-up culture"
        Speaker: Astrid Mager, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Austria
    • 09:45
      Coffee Break
    • Research Track – "Web Content Analysis"
      Convener: Session Chair: Michael Granitzer (University of Passau, Germany)
      • 14
        Research Track – "Web Content Analysis"
        Speaker: Session Chair: Michael Granitzer (University of Passau, Germany)
      • 15
        "The Impact of Main Content Extraction on Near-Duplicate Detection"
        Speaker: Maik Fröbe (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle, Germany) (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle, Germany)
      • 16
        "FastWARC: Optimizing Large-Scale Web Archive Analytics"
        Speaker: Janek Bevendorff (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
      • 17
        "Creating a Dataset for Keyphrase Extraction in Physics Publications and Patents"
        Speaker: Andre Rattinger (ISDS, Graz University of Technology, Austria) (Graz University of Technology (AT))
      • 18
        "Understanding Websites"
        Speaker: Ronny Lam (Skrodon) (HNW.NU)
    • European Dimension to Open Search
      Convener: Session Chair: Stefan Voigt (opensearchfoundation) (opensearchfoundation)
      • 19
        European Dimension to Open Search
        Speaker: Chair: Stefan Voigt (opensearchfoundation)
      • 20
        Keynote - "European Commission perspective to Open Search"
        Speaker: Werner Stengg, Cabinet expert on the cabinet of Executive Vice-President Margre-the Vestager. European Commission
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break
    • Plenary Session “Alternative Search Approaches”
      Convener: Session Chair: Christine Plote (opensearchfoundation)
      • 21
        Plenary Session “Alternative Search Approaches”
        Speaker: Session Chair: Christine Plote (Open Search Foundation)
      • 22
        Xayn: Reinventing Internet Search with Privacy and Convenience
        Speaker: Dr. Leif-Nissen Lundbæk (CEO & Co-Founder Xayn), Professor Michael Huth (Co-Founder, Chief Research Officer und Dekan am Imperial College London)
      • 23
        "Goggles: Democracy dies in Darkness, and so does The Web"
        Speaker: Rémi Berson (Software engineer at Brave Search, expert for privacy preserving technologies)
      • 24
        Speaker: Sridhar Ramaswamy (Co-Founder Neeva)
    • 15:00
      Coffee Break
    • Keynote - Carla Hustedt, Head of the Division “Digitised Society” of Stiftung Mercator
      • 30
        Keynote: "Safeguarding democratic rights and values in the digital space. A foundation’s perspective"
        Speaker: Carla Hustedt (Head of the Division “Digitised Society” of Stiftung Mercator)
    • Plenary Session "Etrhics in Search"
      Convener: Session Chair: Anton Frank (Open Search Foundation/Technical University of Munich)
      • 31
        Plenary Session “Ethics in Search”
        Speaker: Session Chair: Anton Frank (Open Search Foundation/Technical University of Munich)
      • 32
        "Search Ethics and Data Democracy – How we all have a responsibility creating a data democracy where neither state nor big tech control our lives via data"
        Speaker: Pernille Tranberg, co-founder of the European thinkdotank, speaker and advisor in data democracy, data ethics, data understanding and digital self-defense
      • 33
        "“Data Ethics Decision Aid (DEDA): How to implement Ethical Decisions step-by step in Data Projects”"
        Speaker: Nelly Clausen and Dr. Mirko Schäfer, University of Utrecht/Utrecht Data School
      • 34
        "Why the Internet search needs ethical guardrails"
        Speaker: Christine Plote (Open Search Foundation) (Open Search Foundation e.V.)
      • 35
        Panel Discussion
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Research Track – “Open Search for Science and Education”
      Convener: Session Chair: Tobias Hecking (German Aerospace Center - DLR) (DLR)
      • 37
        "Open Search @ DLR - towards transparent access to web-based information in science"
        Speaker: Stefan Voigt (German Aerospace Center - DLR) (German Aerospace Center (DLR))
      • 38
        "Modules for Open Search in Mathematics Teaching"
        Speaker: Melanie Platz (Saarland University) (Saarland University)
      • 39
        "Towards Open Domain Literature Based Discovery"
        Speaker: Oliver Bensch (Maastricht University) (Maastricht University)
    • 12:00
      Lunch Break
    • Research Track – “Cross cutting aspects”
      Convener: Session Chair: Kai Erenli (FH des BFI Wien, Austria)
      • 40
        Research Track – “Cross cutting aspects”
        Speaker: Session Chair: Kai Erenli (FH des BFI Wien, Austria)
      • 41
        "Privacy in Open Search: A Review of Challenges and Solutions"
        Speaker: Samuel Sousa (Graz University of Technology) (Graz University of Technology)
      • 42
        "The effect of search engine optimization on search results: The SEO Effect project"
        Speakers: Sebastian Schultheiß (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences) (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences), Sebastian Sünkler (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences) (Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg)
      • 43
        "The Development of a Social-Media-Strategy for the Open Search Foundataion Applying the Social-Media-Cycle"
        Speaker: Alexander Decker (Alexander Decker (Technical University Ingolstadt, Germany & Open Search Foundation) (Open Search Foundation)
    • 14:00
      Coffee Break
    • Research Track – “Applications”
      Convener: Session Chair: Alexander Decker (Technical University Ingolstadt, Germany)
      • 44
        Research Track – “Applications”
        Speaker: Session Chair: Melanie Platz (Saarland University, Germany) (Saarland University)
      • 45
        "Improved Discovery and Access to Research Data in Energy Systems Analysis"
        Speakers: Carsten Hoyer-Klick (German Aerospace Center) (German Aerospace Center), Johannes Frey (InfAI - Leipzig Universtiy) (InfAI - Leipzig Universtiy)
      • 46
        "Requirements for an Open Search Infrastructure from the Perspective of a Vertical Provider"
        Speaker: Leon Martin (University of Bamberg) (Universität Bamberg)
      • 47
        Towards Open Search Applications for the Broader Community
        Speaker: Aleksandar Bobic (CERN, Graz University of Technology) (CERN, Graz University of Technology)
      • 48
        "Conceptual considerations for comprehensive and cooperative crawling and indexing the Web"
        Speaker: Stefan Voigt (Open Search Foundation)
    • 15:45
      Coffee Break
    • Updates from the OSF Working Groups
    • Closing Discussion
    • Way ahead and Farewell