A. Latina, A. Poyet, G. Sterbini, V. Ziemann
Introduction to Accelerator Physics, 25 September 8 October 2021, Chavannes de Bogis, Switzerland)
The "Hands-on on Lattice Calculations in Python" aims to help you visualize the concepts of the "Transverse Linear Beam Dynamics" and of "Computational Tools".
In this document we will present the suggested directions to solve the exercises of the "Transverse Linear Beam Dynamics Primer using Python" and will serve as a guidance for the student. Most of the time the result can be achieved using multiple paths and we encourage the student to explore them.
In addition the goal is to stimulate the student's curiosity, so the simple exercise should be challenged to trigger more questions and to dive deeper into the physics of the problem.
You received the instructions on how to prepare your python working environment.
QUESTION: is everyone able to lauch a jupyter lab server from her/his laptop?
From Wolfgang's lecture, you learnt about matrices and particle trajectories.
import sympy as sy
import numpy as np
from sympy import init_session
IPython console for SymPy 1.8 (Python 3.8.8-64-bit) (ground types: gmpy) These commands were executed: >>> from __future__ import division >>> from sympy import * >>> x, y, z, t = symbols('x y z t') >>> k, m, n = symbols('k m n', integer=True) >>> f, g, h = symbols('f g h', cls=Function) >>> init_printing() Documentation can be found at https://docs.sympy.org/1.8/
Show that multiplying two such matrices, one with $L_1$ and the other with $L_2$ in the upper right corner, produces a matrix with the sum of the distances in the upper right corner.
Even we can prove it by hand, we take the opportunity to show some symbolic computation in Python.
# we introduce the symbols
L_1 = sy.Symbol('L_1');
L_2 = sy.Symbol('L_2');
# we define the matrices
DRIFT_1 = sy.Matrix([[1,L_1],[0,1]])
DRIFT_2 = sy.Matrix([[1,L_2],[0,1]])
# we multiply the matrices.
# NOTA BENE: the @ operator is the "multiplication between matrix" in py3
# additional questions: what if we consider quadrupoles?
f_1 = sy.Symbol('f_1');
f_2 = sy.Symbol('f_2');
# we define the matrices
Q_1 = sy.Matrix([[1,0],[-1/f_1,1]])
Q_2 = sy.Matrix([[1,0],[-1/f_2,1]])
# we multiply the matrices.
# NOTA BENE: the @ operator is the "multiplication between matrix" in py3
Q_2 @ Q_1
# and of course we can do
M=sy.simplify((Q_2 @ DRIFT_2 @ Q_1 @ DRIFT_1)**2)
# let us check the determinant.
# This is a very important point...
# The property of the determinant reveals a deeper feature of these matrices.
# They are symplectic matrices (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symplectic_matrix)
Omega = sy.Matrix([[0,1],[-1,0]])
sy.simplify(M.transpose() @ Omega @ M)-Omega
How do you describe a ray that is parallel to the optical axis?
The phase space vector of a particle parallel ot the optical axis can be represented (1D) by \begin{equation} X=\left( \begin{array}{c} x \\ 0 \end{array} \right), \end{equation} this means that is $x'$ is vanishing.
Show by multiplying the respective matrices that a parallel ray, which first passes through a lens with focal length $f$ and then moves on a straight line, actually crosses the optical axis at a distance $L=f$ downstream of the lens. Hint: think a little extra about ordering of the matrices.
We can still use the symbolic package of python (or do it by hand).
# definition of the focal length symbol
f = sy.Symbol('f');
# Focusing THIN quadrupole of focal length f
Q = sy.Matrix([[1,0], [-1/f,1]])
# Drift of length f
DRIFT = sy.Matrix([[1,f], [0,1]])
# from Exercise 2, we propagate a particle in parallel to the optical axis
DRIFT @ Q @ sy.Matrix([[x],[0]])
and this is on the beam axis (see Exercise 3), whatever is the initial offset, x. This is the meaning of the focal length.
# Important functions
def D(L):
'''Returns the list of a L-long drift'''
# NB: we return a list with a dict
# the dict contains the matric (the transformation)
# and the element length
return [{'matrix':np.array([[1, L],[0, 1]]), 'length':L}]
def Q(f):
'''Returns the list of a quadrupole with focal length f'''
# NB: we return a list with a dict
# the dict contains the matric (the transformation)
# and the element length
return [{'matrix':np.array([[1, 0],[-1/f, 1]]), 'length':0}]
def getEquivalentElement(beamline):
'''Returns the equivalent single element of a beamline'''
# we start from an identity matrix (np.eye)
# with the same dimension of the matrix of the
# first element of the beamline
equivalentElement = np.eye(beamline[0]['matrix'].shape[0])
length = 0
# NB: we reverse the order of the beamline ([-1::-1])
for elements in beamline[-1::-1]:
# we multiply the matrices
equivalentElement = equivalentElement @ elements['matrix']
# and we add the lengths
length = length + elements['length']
# we return the dict with the "usual" keys (matrix and length)
# as for the definition of the D and Q functions
return [{'matrix':equivalentElement, 'length':length}]
def transportParticles(x0,beamline):
'''Track the particle(s) x0 along the beamline'''
coords = [x0]
s = [0]
for elements in beamline:
coords.append(elements['matrix'] @ coords[-1])
s.append(s[-1] + elements['length'])
coords = np.array(coords).transpose()
return {'x': coords[:,0,:],
'px': coords[:,1,:],
's': np.array(s),
'coords': coords,}
# some setup for the plotting
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
params = {'legend.fontsize': 'x-large',
'figure.figsize': (15, 5),
'axes.labelsize': 'x-large',
# Particle definition
N = 100
X = np.array([np.random.randn(N)/1000,np.random.randn(N)*0])
# beamline definition
myF = 3 # [m]
beamline = + 2 * D(myF/10) + Q(myF) + 10 * D(myF/10)
output = getEquivalentElement(beamline)[0]['matrix'] @ X
# plotting
plt.plot(X[0,:]*1e3, X[1,:]*1e3,'.g',
label='entry of the quadrupole');
plt.plot(output[0,:]*1e3, output[1,:]*1e3,'.r',
label='exit of the beamline');
plt.xlabel('x [mm]')
plt.ylabel("x' [mrad]")
plt.title("Exercise 5: x-x' plane");
# we the transportParticles function we can se the particle along the line
# this can help to visualize the concept of focal length
output = transportParticles(X, beamline)
for my_particle in output['x']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3)
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.ylabel('x [mm]')
plt.title('Exercise 5: the focal length')
Indeed we found back the expected results.
Recall that the imaging equation for a lens is $1/b+1/g=1/f,$ which corresponds to a system of one focusing lens with focal length $f,$ sandwiched between drift spaces with length $b=3$ m and $g=2$ m. Write a beamline description that corresponds to this system. We will later return to it and analyze it.
# our parameters
b = 3
g = 2
f = 1/(1/b+1/g)
beamline = D(b) + Q(f) + D(g)
N = 100
X = np.array([np.random.randn(N)*0,np.random.randn(N)*1e-3])
output = transportParticles(X, beamline)
for my_particle in output['x']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3)
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.ylabel('x [mm]')
plt.title('Exercise 6: the imaging equation')
Define a FODO beamline and prepare initial coordinates that describe a particle that is on the optical axis, but has an initial angle $x'$ and plot the position $x$ along the beam line.
The first part of the exercise is to define the FODO cell starting. A FODO cell is one of the most fundamental lattice topologies. In its simpler version, it consists on two thin quadrupoles of opposite focal length, f, interspaced by two drifts of length L/2 (L is the total length of the cell). We can start the FODO from an arbitrary point inside it. We decided to start describing it from the center of drift. For the moment we can define arbitrarly the f and L_2 paramenters: we chose 2.5 m and 1 m, respectively.
f = 2.5
L_2 = 1
beamline = 5*D(L_2/10)+Q(f)+10*D(L_2/(10))+Q(-f)+5*D(L_2/10)
Please pay attention that in order to sample more finely the particle trajectory in the drift we split them in pieces of 0.1 m. We will see in the following cell how, starting from the initial position of the particle, we can transport it along the beam line.
X = np.array([[0],[0.001]])
The proper tracking will append to the initial beamlist the transformed coordinate in the trace-space and the incremented s-coordinate.
output = transportParticles(X, beamline)
for my_particle in output['x']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3, 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.ylabel('x [mm]')
plt.title('Exercise 7');
for my_particle in output['px']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3, 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.ylabel("x' [mrad]");
plt.title('Exercise 8');
X = np.array([[0],[0.001]])
output = transportParticles(X, 5*beamline)
for my_particle in output['x']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3, 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.gca().set_ylabel('x [mm]', color='b')
plt.gca().tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='b')
# instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel("x' [mrad]", color='r')
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='r')
for my_particle in output['px']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3, 's-r', lw=3)
plt.title('Exercise 9');
Plot the position $x$ through 100 cells, play with different values of the focal length $F$ and explore whether you can make the oscillations grow.
f = .5001
L_2 = 1
beamline = 5*D(L_2/10) + Q(f) + 10*D(L_2/(10)) + Q(-f) + 5*D(L_2/10)
X = np.array([[0],[0.001]])
output = transportParticles(X, 100*beamline)
for my_particle in output['x']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3, 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.gca().set_ylabel('x [mm]', color='b')
plt.gca().tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='b')
# instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel("x' [mrad]", color='r')
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='r')
for my_particle in output['px']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3, 's-r', lw=3)
plt.title('Exercise 10');
It it important to observe that when the focal length approaches the stability limit (only for $f>L/4$ the machine is stable), then the oscillation start to grow during the transport in the lattice.
Use the beam line for the imaging system you prepared in Exercise 6 and launch a particle with $x_0=0$ and an angle of $x'_0=1\,$mrad at one end. Verify that this particle crosses the center of the beam pipe at the exit of the beam line, provided that $b,g,$ and $f$ satisfy the imaging equation that is shown in Exercise 6.
# our parameters
b = 3
g = 2
f = 1/(1/b+1/g)
beamline = D(b) + Q(f) + D(g)
X = np.array([[0],[0.001]])
output = transportParticles(X, beamline)
for my_particle in output['x']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3, 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.gca().set_ylabel('x [mm]', color='b')
plt.gca().tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='b')
# instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel("x' [mrad]", color='r')
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='r')
for my_particle in output['px']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3, 's-r', lw=3)
plt.title('Exercise 11');
We can do a bit animation showing that, moving the position of the quadruple and keeping fulfilled the imaging equation the particle entering with x=0 will exit with x=0. The animation output is omittend in the pdf version of this document.
# to have the animation you need to configure properly
# your jupyter lab
# From
# https://towardsdatascience.com/interactive-controls-for-jupyter-notebooks-f5c94829aee6
# pip install ipywidgets
# jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
# jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
from ipywidgets import interactive
def plotIt(b):
L = 5
g = L-b
f = 1/(1/b+1/g)
beamline = D(b) + Q(f) + D(g)
X = np.array([[0],[0.001]])
output = transportParticles(X, beamline)
for my_particle in output['x']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3, 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.gca().set_ylabel('x [mm]', color='b')
plt.gca().tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='b')
# instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel("x' [mrad]", color='r')
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='r')
for my_particle in output['px']:
plt.plot(output['s'], my_particle*1e3, 's-r', lw=3)
plt.title('Exercise 11, animated')
interactive_plot = interactive(plotIt,b=(2,4,.1),continuous_update=True)
output = interactive_plot.children[-1]
output.layout.height = '350px'
# simple solution
N_particles = 1000
beam = np.random.randn(2, N_particles)
x0 = 0;
xp0 = 1
sigx = 1;
sigxp = 0.5;
beam[0,:] = sigx*beam[0,:]+x0
beam[1,:] = sigxp*beam[1,:]+xp0
print(f'Beam mean x [mm]: {np.mean(beam[0,:])}')
print(f"Beam mean x' [mrad]: {np.mean(beam[1,:])}")
print(f'Beam rms size [mm]: {np.std(beam[0,:])}')
print(f"Beam rms divergence [mrad]: {np.std(beam[1,:])}")
Beam mean x [mm]: -0.03309384511844507 Beam mean x' [mrad]: 0.9947494481454601 Beam rms size [mm]: 0.9990453919722582 Beam rms divergence [mrad]: 0.5025504870859775
We did not find exactly back the 0.5 value due to the statistical error coming with the finite numbers of particles. We can explore the dependence of the statistical error with on the beam divergence by a numerical simulation.
myDivergence = []
myDivergenceStatisticalError = []
Npart_range = np.round(np.logspace(2,6,10))
Npart_range = Npart_range.astype(int)
for Npart in Npart_range:
aux = []
for j in range(10):
beam = np.random.randn(2, Npart)
x0 = 0;
xp0 = 1
sigx = 1;
sigxp = 0.5;
beam[0,:] = sigx*beam[0,:]+x0
beam[1,:] = sigxp*beam[1,:]+xp0
plt.ylabel('Beam divergence of the ensemble')
plt.title('Exercise 12');
Depending on the required precision we need to select the convenient number of particles.
Transport the beam distribution of Exercise 12 in a drift of length 1 m. Compare the initial and final distribution.
Test of linearity. Scale the input vector by 17 times the month of your birthday (85 if you are born in May) and verify that the output vector from the matrix multiplication has changed by the same factor.
Now launch 3 particles such that they define a triangle of surface A. Verify that this linear transport preserve the area of the triangle.
Npart = 10000
beam = np.random.randn(2, Npart)
x0 = 0;
xp0 = 1
sigx = 1;
sigxp = 0.5;
beam[0,:] = sigx*beam[0,:]+x0
beam[1,:] = sigxp*beam[1,:]+xp0
beam_after_drift = D(1)[0]['matrix'] @ np.array(beam)
# Before the drift
import seaborn as sns
g = sns.jointplot(x=beam[0,:], y=beam[1,:], kind="hex", color="b")
g.set_axis_labels("x [mm]", "x' [mrad]");
# After the drift
import seaborn as sns
g = sns.jointplot(x=beam_after_drift[0,:], y=beam_after_drift[1,:],
kind="hex", color="b")
g.set_axis_labels("x [mm]", "x' [mrad]");
# test of linearity
month = 2
v1 = D(1)[0]['matrix']@(17*month*beam)
v2 = 17*month*D(1)[0]['matrix']@(beam)
Now let us consider three points of the distributions and let us verify that the area of the triangle before and after the transoformation is preserved. IMPORTANT: the area preservation is a condition stronger than the linearity. It is possible only for special matrices, the so-called symplectic matrices. A $2\times2$ matrix is symplectic if and only if its determinant is one.
# this is the formula of the area of the triangle
from numpy.linalg import norm
def area(a, b, c) :
return 0.5 * norm( np.cross( b-a, c-a ) )
# we take the first three particles in the beambefore transport (arbitrary choise)
# after transport
#first triagle
plt.plot(beam[:,[2,0]][0],beam[:,[2,0]][1],'o-b', label='before the drift')
#second triagle
plt.plot(beam_after_drift[:,[2,0]][0],beam_after_drift[:,[2,0]][1],'o-r',label='after the drift')
plt.xlabel('x [mm]')
plt.ylabel("x' [mrad]")
plt.title('Exercise 13');
#prepare the optics
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = 5*D(L_2/10)+Q(-f)+10*D(L_2/10)+Q(f)+5*D(L_2/10)
#prepare the beam
Npart = 10000
beam = np.random.randn(2, Npart)
x0 = 0;
xp0 = 1e-3
sigx = 1e-3;
sigxp = 0.5e-3;
beam[0,:] = sigx*beam[0,:]+x0
beam[1,:] = sigxp*beam[1,:]+xp0
output = transportParticles(beam, 5*fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output['s'], np.std(output['x'],0)*1e3, 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.gca().set_ylabel('std(x) [mm]', color='b')
plt.gca().tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='b')
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx() # instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis
ax2.set_ylabel("std(x') [mrad]", color='r')
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='r')
plt.plot(output['s'], np.std(output['px'],0)*1e3, 's-r', lw=3)
plt.title('Exercise 14');
# Case A
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = 5*D(L_2/10)+Q(-f)+10*D(L_2/10)+Q(f)+5*D(L_2/10)
#prepare the beam
Npart = 10000
beam = np.random.randn(2, Npart)
x0 = 0;
xp0 = 1e-3
sigx = 1e-3;
sigxp = 0.5e-3*2;
beam[0,:] = sigx*beam[0,:]+x0
beam[1,:] = sigxp*beam[1,:]+xp0
output_a = transportParticles(beam, 5*fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output_a['s'], np.std(output_a['x'],0)*1e3, 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.gca().set_ylabel('std(x) [mm]', color='b')
plt.gca().tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='b')
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx() # instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis
ax2.set_ylabel("std(x') [mrad]", color='r')
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='r')
plt.plot(output['s'], np.std(output['px'],0)*1e3, 's-r', lw=3)
plt.title('Exercise 15, case A');
# Case B
#prepare the beam
Npart = 100000
beam = np.random.randn(2, Npart)
x0 = 0
xp0 = 1
sigx = 1
sigxp = 0.5/2
beam[0,:] = sigx*beam[0,:]+x0
beam[1,:] = sigxp*beam[1,:]+xp0
output_b = transportParticles(beam, 5*fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output_b['s'], np.std(output_b['x'],0), 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.gca().set_ylabel('std(x) [mm]', color='b')
plt.gca().tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='b')
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx() # instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis
ax2.set_ylabel("std(x') [mrad]", color='r')
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='r')
plt.plot(output_b['s'], np.std(output_b['px'],0), 's-r', lw=3)
plt.title('Exercise 15, case B');
# direct comparison
plt.plot(output_b['s'], np.std(output_b['x'],0)/np.std(output_a['x'],0), 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.plot(output_b['s'], np.std(output_b['px'],0)/np.std(output_a['px'],0), 's-r', lw=3)
plt.ylabel("s [m]")
plt.title('Exercise 15, direct comparison of case A and B');
It very important to note that the divergence of CASE A and CASE B are not proportional. So as for the single particle position and angle along the machine is proportional (linearity) to the initial conditions, the statistical quantities describing the beam (beam size and beam divergence) only if you ar varyin the both beam size and divergence by the same factor.
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice= 5*D(L_2/10) + Q(f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 5*D(L_2/10)
#prepare the beam
Npart = 10000
beam0 = np.random.randn(2, Npart)
x0 = 0
xp0 = 1
sigx = 1
sigxp = 0.5e-3/2
beam0[0,:] = sigx*beam0[0,:] + x0
beam0[1,:] = sigxp*beam0[1,:] + xp0
beamlist = [(beam0,0)]
#prepare the sigma matrix
sigma0 = np.array([[sigx**2, 0], [0, sigxp**2]])
output_a = transportParticles(beam0, 5*fodo_lattice)
def transportSigmas(sigma, beamline):
'''Transport the sigma matrix along the beamline'''
coords = [sigma]
s = [0]
for elements in beamline:
coords.append(elements['matrix'] @ coords[-1] @ elements['matrix'].transpose())
s.append(s[-1] + elements['length'])
coords = np.array(coords).transpose()
return {'sigma11': coords[0][0],
'sigma12': coords[0][1],
'sigma21': coords[1][0], # equal to sigma12
'sigma22': coords[1][1],
's': np.array(s),
'coords': coords,}
output_b = transportSigmas(sigma0, 5*fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output_a['s'], np.std(output_a['x'],0), '-b', lw=3, label='using particles tracking')
plt.plot(output_b['s'], np.sqrt(output_b['sigma11']), 'or', lw=3, label='using $\sigma$ matrix tracking')
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.ylabel('std(x) [mm]')
plt.title('Exercise 15, case C');
It is important to observe that the result of from the particle tracking and the sigma matrix tracking are equivalent. The small deviation is due to the statistical noise of the ensemble (it can be reduced by increasing the numebr of particles). Clearly the sigma matrix tracking is computationally cheaper than the particle tracking (if Npart>>1).
def plotIt(sigma11, sigma22, sigma12):
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = 5*D(L_2/10) + Q(f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 5*D(L_2/10)
#prepare the sigma matrix
sigma0 = np.array([[sigma11, sigma12 ],[sigma12, sigma22]])
output_b = transportSigmas(sigma0, 5*fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output_b['s'], np.sqrt(output_b['sigma11']), '-b', lw=3)
plt.plot(output_b['s'], np.sqrt(output_b['sigma22']), '-r', lw=3)
plt.plot(output_b['s'], output_b['sigma12'], '-k', lw=3)
interactive_plot = interactive(plotIt,sigma11=(0,4,.1),sigma22=(0,4,.1),sigma12=(-2,2,.1),continuous_update=True)
output = interactive_plot.children[-1]
output.layout.height = '350px'
def plotIt(sigma11, sigma22, sigma12): # 23.40, 0.4, 0
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
# we need to change the lattice to start at the center of a quadrupole
# (so sigma12 is zero by construction)
fodo_lattice = Q(2*f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(2*f)
sigma0=np.array([[sigma11, sigma12 ],[sigma12, sigma22]])
output_b = transportSigmas(sigma0, 5*fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output_b['s'], np.sqrt(output_b['sigma11']), '-b', lw=3)
plt.plot(output_b['s'], np.sqrt(output_b['sigma22']), '-r', lw=3)
plt.plot(output_b['s'], output_b['sigma12'], '-k', lw=3)
interactive_plot = interactive(plotIt,sigma11=(0,25,.1),sigma22=(0,4,.1),sigma12=(-2,2,.1),continuous_update=True)
output = interactive_plot.children[-1]
output.layout.height = '350px'
plotIt(23.4, 0.4, 0)
Explore different initial coordinate and compare the phase-space plots you obtain.
For plotting the trace space evolution of a particle we need to observe it turn-after-turn. The natural way to do that is to compress the beam line (in general composed by more than one element) in a single transformation: the one-turn-matrix. Do to so we introduce a special method.
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = 5*D(L_2/10) + Q(f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 5*D(L_2/10)
OTM = getEquivalentElement(fodo_lattice)
def plotIt(x, xp):
particle = [[x],[xp]]
output = transportParticles(particle,100*OTM)
plt.scatter(output['x'], output['px'], c = output['s']/(L_2*2))
plt.xlabel('x [mm]')
plt.ylabel("x' [mrad]")
interactive_plot = interactive(plotIt,x=(-2,2,.1),xp=(-2,2,.1),continuous_update=True)
output = interactive_plot.children[-1]
output.layout.height = '350px'
# for saving the figure
x =.24
px = 2.3
plotIt(x, px)
plt.plot(x, px,'+r', ms=50)
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = 5*D(L_2/10) + Q(f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 5*D(L_2/10)
OTM = getEquivalentElement(fodo_lattice)
particle = [[1],[.3]]
output = transportParticles(particle,100*OTM)
plt.plot(output['s']/(L_2*2), output['x'][0] ,'o-b')
plt.ylabel('x [mm]')
We clearly see a betatronic oscillation. And this is true also for x' (se below, and not the different amplitude and phase).
plt.plot(output['s']/(L_2*2), output['px'][0] ,'o-r')
plt.ylabel("x' [mrad]")
f = -2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = 5*D(L_2/10) + Q(f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 5*D(L_2/10)
OTM = getEquivalentElement(fodo_lattice)
def plotIt(x, xp):
particle = [[x],[xp]]
output = transportParticles(particle,100*OTM)
plt.scatter(output['x'], output['px'], c = output['s']/(L_2*2))
plt.xlabel('x [mm]')
plt.ylabel("x' [mrad]")
interactive_plot = interactive(plotIt,x=(-2,2,.1),xp=(-2,2,.1),continuous_update=True)
output = interactive_plot.children[-1]
output.layout.height = '350px'
As you can see now the ellipse tilt is inverted.
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(2*f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/(10)) + Q(2*f)
OTM = getEquivalentElement(fodo_lattice)
def plotIt(x, xp):
particle = [[x],[xp]]
output = transportParticles(particle,100*OTM)
plt.scatter(output['x'], output['px'], c = output['s']/(L_2*2))
cb = plt.colorbar()
plt.xlabel('x [mm]')
plt.ylabel("x' [mrad]")
interactive_plot = interactive(plotIt,x=(-2,2,.1),xp=(-2,2,.1),continuous_update=True)
output = interactive_plot.children[-1]
output.layout.height = '350px'
The ellipse is not tilted anymore.
def twiss(beamline):
'''Returns the Q, and the Twiss parameters beta, alpha, gamma of the beamline'''
OTM = getEquivalentElement(beamline)
R = OTM[0]['matrix']
mu = np.arccos(0.5*(R[0,0]+R[1,1]))
if (R[0,1]<0):
mu = 2*np.pi-mu;
Q = mu/(2*np.pi)
beta = R[0,1]/np.sin(mu)
alpha = (0.5*(R[0,0]-R[1,1]))/np.sin(mu)
gamma = (1+alpha**2)/beta
return Q, beta, alpha, gamma
f = 1
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(2*f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(2*f)
Q = {output[0]}
beta = {output[1]}
alpha = {output[2]}
gamma = {output[3]}
Q = 0.49999999419080615 beta = 219176631.31217423 alpha = 7.604216954454841e-09 gamma = 4.562530202299239e-09
The stability condition is satisfied if (only 1D case), the trace of the matrix is smaller than 2 (for the H adn V case). For a FODO this can be done analytically. But in this exercise we will follow a numerical approach.
def myOTM_trace(f):
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(2*f)+10*D(L_2/10)+Q(-f)+10*D(L_2/(10))+Q(2*f)
OTM = getEquivalentElement(fodo_lattice)
return np.trace(OTM[0]['matrix'])
def setShadedRegion(ax,color='g' ,xLimit=[0,1], yLimit='FullRange',alpha=.1):
setShadedRegion(ax,color='g' ,xLimit=[0,1],alpha=.1)
ax: plot axis to use
color: color of the shaded region
xLimit: vector with two scalars, the start and the end point
alpha: transparency settings
yLimit: if set to "FullRange" shaded the entire plot in the y direction
If you want to specify an intervall, please enter a two scalar vector as xLimit
if yLimit == 'FullRange':
aux = ax.get_ylim()
plt.gca().fill_between(xLimit, [aux[0],aux[0]], [aux[1],aux[1]],color=color, alpha=alpha)
[yLimit[0],yLimit[0]], [yLimit[1],yLimit[1]],color=color, alpha=alpha)
f_range = np.linspace(.5,5)
plt.plot(f_range/(L_2*2), [myOTM_trace(f) for f in f_range],'-bo')
my_xlim = plt.xlim()
plt.xticks([0, .25, .5, .75,1])
plt.xlabel('f [L]')
Transport the periodic $\sigma$ matrix along the FODO and convince yourself that the $\sigma$ matrix at the end of the FODO is indeed equal to the one at the start, $\sigma_0$.
One has to remeber the definition of the $\sigma$ matrix (for the momement we will consired $\epsilon=1$) and how to transport it.
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(2*f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(2*f)
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
sigma_0 = np.array([[beta, -alpha],[-alpha, gamma]])
output = transportSigmas(sigma_0, fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output['s'], output['sigma11'], 'o-b', lw=3, label='$\\beta_x\ [m]$')
plt.plot(output['s'], -output['sigma12'], 's-r', lw=3, label='$\\alpha_x$')
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.title('Exercise 23')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Exercise 23')
Write down the numerical values of initial beam matrix $\sigma_0$, then build a beam line made of 15 consecutive cells by changing the definition of the lattice and then, using $\sigma_0$ with the noted-down numbers, prepare a plot of the beam sizes along the $15$ cells. Is it also periodic?
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(2*f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(2*f)
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
sigma_0 = np.array([[beta, -alpha],[-alpha, gamma]])
output = transportSigmas(sigma_0, 15*fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output['s'], output['sigma11'], '-b', lw=3, label='$\\beta_x\ [m]$')
plt.plot(output['s'], -output['sigma12'], '-r', lw=3, label='$\\alpha_x$')
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
Text(0.5, 0, 's [m]')
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(2*f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(2*f)
OTM = getEquivalentElement(fodo_lattice)
print(f'The determinant of the OTM is {np.linalg.det(OTM[0]["matrix"])}.')
The determinant of the OTM is 1.0.
Multiply $\sigma_0$ from Exercise 24 by 17 and calculate the emittance. Then propagate the $\sigma$ matrix through the beam line from Exercise 24 and verify that the emittance of the sigma matrix after every element is indeed constant and equal to its initial value.
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(2*f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/(10)) + Q(2*f)
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
sigma_0 = 17*np.array([[beta, -alpha],[-alpha, gamma]])
output = transportSigmas(sigma_0, 15*fodo_lattice)
emittance = np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(output['coords'].transpose()))
plt.plot(output['s'], emittance,'.-b')
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.ylabel('$\epsilon$ [arb. units]');
f = 2
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(2*f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/10)+Q(2*f)
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
print(f'The tune is {tune}.')
The tune is 0.16666666666666677.
f = 2/np.sqrt(2)
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(2*f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f)+10*D(L_2/10) + Q(2*f)
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
print(f'The tune is {tune}.')
The tune is 0.24999999999999992.
A common task when designing accelerators is matching one section of a beam line to another one. Here we will assume that the upstream beam line consists of FODO cells with a $60^o$ phase advance and the downstream beam line of FODO cells with a $90^o$ phase advance. These are the cells with the focal length we calculated in Exercise~27. In between the $60^o$ and $90^o,$ we place a third cell with two quadrupoles that we will use to match the upstream to the downstream beam line. To do so, we need to prepare periodic beam matrices sigma60 and sigma90 for the respective sections. Note that sigma90 only depends on two parameters: the Twiss parameters $\alpha$ and $\beta,$ and therefore we also need two quadrupoles with independently variable focal length to adjust until the final beam matrix equals sigma90.
Implement the procedure described in the previous paragraph and match of a FODO lattice with $\mu$=60 deg and $\mu$=90 deg.
f = 2
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/10)
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
sigma_60 = np.array([[beta, -alpha],[-alpha, gamma]])
f = 2/np.sqrt(2)
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/10)
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
sigma_90 = np.array([[beta, -alpha],[-alpha, gamma]])
array([[6.82842712, 2.41421356], [2.41421356, 1. ]])
# optimization by hand
L_2 = 2
f1 = 1.62
f2 = 1.45
fodo_lattice = Q(f1) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f2) + 10*D(L_2/10)
fodo_lattice_compressed = getEquivalentElement(fodo_lattice)
array([[6.66672256, 2.45256598], [2.45256598, 1.05225316]])
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def penalty_function(f):
fodo_lattice = Q(f[0]) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f[1]) + 10*D(L_2/10)
fodo_lattice_compressed = getEquivalentElement(fodo_lattice)
M = fodo_lattice_compressed[0]['matrix']@sigma_60@(fodo_lattice_compressed[0]['matrix']).transpose() - sigma_90
return np.linalg.norm(M)
res = minimize(penalty_function, [1.62, 1.45])
fun: 1.0294811767737319e-08 hess_inv: array([[ 4.98642849e-09, -1.03490908e-09], [-1.03490908e-09, 2.47435887e-09]]) jac: array([3.05779611, 3.2737352 ]) message: 'Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.' nfev: 194 nit: 22 njev: 61 status: 2 success: False x: array([1.65681256, 1.38987535])
#sanity check
L_2 = 2
f1 = res['x'][0]
f2 = res['x'][1]
fodo_lattice = Q(f1) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f2) + 10*D(L_2/10)
fodo_lattice_compressed = getEquivalentElement(fodo_lattice)
array([[9.62937552e-09, 2.55917421e-09], [2.55917332e-09, 3.99419275e-10]])
def Qthick(k1, l):
'''Returns a thick quadrupole element'''
if k1>0:
matrix = np.array([[np.cos(np.sqrt(k1)*l),
k1 = -k1;
matrix = np.array([[np.cosh(np.sqrt(k1)*l),
return [{'matrix': matrix, 'length': l}]
Use the beam line from Exercise 27 (60 degrees/cell FODO) and replace the thin quadrupoles by long quadrupoles with a length of 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 m. Make sure the overall length and the phase advance of the FODO cell remains unchanged. By how much does the periodic beta function at the start of the cell change? Express the change in percent.
# Thin lens
f = 2
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q(f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/(10))
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
beta_thin = beta
# Thick lenses
for l_quad in [.2, .4, 1.0]:
l_cell = 4
l_drift = (l_cell-2*l_quad)/2
k1 = 1/f/l_quad
fodo_lattice = Qthick(k1,l_quad)+10*D(l_drift/10)+Qthick(-k1,l_quad)+10*D(l_drift/(10))
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
print(f'With l_quad={l_quad} m we have a relative error if we assume thin lens approximation of {(beta-beta_thin)/beta_thin}!')
With l_quad=0.2 m we have a relative error if we assume thin lens approximation of -0.02066146254119463! With l_quad=0.4 m we have a relative error if we assume thin lens approximation of -0.03806428935798457! With l_quad=1.0 m we have a relative error if we assume thin lens approximation of -0.06766354778275335!
sin = np.sin
cos = np.cos
B = lambda phi, l: [{'matrix':np.array([[cos(phi),l/phi*sin(phi)],[-sin(phi)/l*phi, cos(phi)]]), 'length': l}]
[{'matrix': array([[ 9.99999500e-01, 9.99999833e-01], [-9.99999833e-07, 9.99999500e-01]]), 'length': 1}]
Insert 1 m long dipoles in the center of the drift spaces of the FODO cells from Exercise 27 while keeping the length of the cell constant. Investigate deflection angles of φ= 5, 10 and 20 degrees. Check by how much the periodic beta functions change. Why do they change? Can you compensate the phase advance $\mu$ by adjusting the strength or focal lengths of the quadrupoles?
# Thin lens and no dipoles
f = 2
L_2 = 2
pi = np.pi
fodo_lattice = Q(f) + 10*D(L_2/10) + Q(-f) + 10*D(L_2/(10))
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
beta_thin = beta
# Thin lens and dipoles
for phi in np.array([5,10,20])*pi/180:
f = 2
l_cell = 4
l_dipole = 1
l_drift = (l_cell-l_dipole*2)/4
fodo_lattice = Q(f) + D(l_drift) + B(phi,l_dipole) + \
D(l_drift) + Q(-f) + D(l_drift) + \
B(phi,l_dipole) + D(l_drift)
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
print(f'With phi={phi} m we have a relative error of {(beta-beta_thin)/beta_thin}!')
With phi=0.08726646259971647 m we have a relative error of -0.026504367134691145! With phi=0.17453292519943295 m we have a relative error of -0.09386135560192685! With phi=0.3490658503988659 m we have a relative error of -0.25835857726299966!
def Qthick3(k1, l):
'''Returns a thick quadrupole element (3x3 case)'''
if k1>0:
matrix = np.array([[np.cos(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 1/np.sqrt(k1)*np.sin(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 0],\
[-np.sqrt(k1)*np.sin(np.sqrt(k1)*l), np.cos(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 0],\
k1 = -k1;
matrix = np.array([[np.cosh(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 1/np.sqrt(k1)*np.sinh(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 0],\
[np.sqrt(k1)*np.sinh(np.sqrt(k1)*l), np.cosh(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 0],\
return [{'matrix': matrix, 'length': l}]
# The drift as a sequence of a single tuple
D3 = lambda L: [{'matrix': np.array([[1, L, 0],[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]), 'length':L}]
# The quadrupole as a sequence of a single tuple
Q3 = lambda f: [{'matrix': np.array([[1, 0, 0],[-1/f, 1,0],[0,0,1]]), 'length':0 }]
# The sector bend
B3 = lambda phi, l: [{'matrix': np.array([[cos(phi),l/phi*sin(phi), l/phi*(1-cos(phi))],\
[-sin(phi)/l*phi, cos(phi), sin(phi)],
[0,0,1]]), 'length': l}]
def R2beta(R):
# 2x2 case
if np.shape(R)[0]==2:
mu = np.arccos(0.5*(R[0,0]+R[1,1]))
if (R[0,1]<0):
mu = 2*np.pi-mu;
Q = mu/(2*np.pi)
beta = R[0,1]/np.sin(mu)
alpha = (0.5*(R[0,0]-R[1,1]))/np.sin(mu)
gamma = (1+alpha**2)/beta
return (Q, beta, alpha, gamma)
# 3x3 case
if np.shape(R)[0]==3:
R = R[:3,:3]
mu = np.arccos(0.5*(R[0,0]+R[1,1]))
if (R[0,1]<0):
mu = 2*np.pi-mu;
Q = mu/(2*np.pi)
beta = R[0,1]/np.sin(mu)
alpha = (0.5*(R[0,0]-R[1,1]))/np.sin(mu)
gamma = (1+alpha**2)/beta
return (Q, beta, alpha, gamma)
Build a beam line of six FODO cells with a phase advance of 60 degrees/cell (thin quadrupoles are OK to use) and add a sector bending magnet with length 1 m and bending angle $\phi=10$ degrees in the center of each drift. You may have to play with the quadrupole values to make the phase advance close to 60 degrees. But you probably already did this in Exercise 32.
f = 2.26085
l_cell = 4
l_dipole = 1
l_drift = (l_cell-l_dipole*2)/4
phi = 20*pi/360
fodo_lattice = Q3(f) + 3*D3(l_drift/3) + B3(phi,l_dipole) + 3*D3(l_drift/3) + \
Q3(-f) + 3*D3(l_drift/3) + B3(phi,l_dipole) + 3*D3(l_drift/3)
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(fodo_lattice)
The tune is: {tune}
The beta is: {beta} m
The alpha is: {alpha}
The gamma is: {gamma}
The tune is: 0.16666742254599543 The beta is: 6.402756913976354 m The alpha is: -1.4160065714170231 The gamma is: 0.4693407309805126
# tracking
for delta,color in zip([0,1, 3],['b','r','m']):
beam = np.array([[0],[0],[delta]])
output = transportParticles(beam, 6*fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output['s'], output['x'][0], '.-'+color, label=f'delta={delta}')
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.ylabel('x [mm]')
Text(0, 0.5, 'x [mm]')
epsilon_0 = 1e-6
sigma_p_2 = 0
sigma_0 = epsilon_0*np.array([[beta, -alpha, 0],[-alpha, gamma,0],[0,0,sigma_p_2]])
output = transportSigmas(sigma_0, 6*fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output['s'], np.sqrt(output['sigma11'])*1e3, '.-b')
plt.ylabel('beam size [mm]')
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
Text(0.5, 0, 's [m]')
l_cell = 4
l_dipole = 1
l_drift = (l_cell-l_dipole*2)/4
phi = 20*pi/360
for f in [2.26085, 1.8]:
fodo_lattice = Q3(f)+3*D3(l_drift/3)+B3(phi,l_dipole)+3*D3(l_drift/3)+Q3(-f)+3*D3(l_drift/3)+B3(phi,l_dipole)+3*D3(l_drift/3)
beamline = 6*fodo_lattice
tune, beta, alpha, gamma = twiss(beamline)
for sigma_p in [1e-3, 3e-3]:
sigma_p_2 = (sigma_p)**2
sigma_0 = epsilon_0*np.array([[beta, -alpha, 0],[-alpha, gamma,0],[0,0,sigma_p_2/epsilon_0]])
output = transportSigmas(sigma_0, 6*fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output['s'], np.sqrt(output['sigma11'])*1e3, label= f'$\sigma_p$={sigma_p*1e3}x$10^{{-3}}$', lw=3)
plt.ylabel('beam size [mm]')
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.title(f'Exercise 37: with a phase advance per cell of {tune*2*180: 3.2f} deg')
OTM = getEquivalentElement(beamline)
array([[-1.58355116, 6.17981624, 1.05442713], [-0.63578962, 1.84968009, 0.48622481], [ 0. , 0. , 1. ]])
eigenvalues, eigenvectors =np.linalg.eig(OTM[0]['matrix'])
array([0.13306447+0.99110738j, 0.13306447-0.99110738j, 1. +0.j ])
array([1.21626937+0.j, 0.3378526 +0.j, 1. +0.j])
# sanity check: one can see that indeeed is a periodic solution!
OTM[0]['matrix'] @ myDispersion
array([1.21626937+0.j, 0.3378526 +0.j, 1. +0.j])
def Qthick4(k1, l):
'''Returns a thick quadrupole element (4x4 case)'''
if k1>0:
matrix=np.array([[np.cos(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 1/np.sqrt(k1)*np.sin(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 0,0],\
[-np.sqrt(k1)*np.sin(np.sqrt(k1)*l), np.cos(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 0, 0],\
[0,0,np.cosh(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 1/np.sqrt(k1)*np.sinh(np.sqrt(k1)*l)],\
[0,0,np.sqrt(k1)*np.sinh(np.sqrt(k1)*l), np.cosh(np.sqrt(k1)*l)],\
matrix=np.array([[np.cosh(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 1/np.sqrt(k1)*np.sinh(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 0,0],\
[np.sqrt(k1)*np.sinh(np.sqrt(k1)*l), np.cosh(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 0,0],\
[0,0,np.cos(np.sqrt(k1)*l), 1/np.sqrt(k1)*np.sin(np.sqrt(k1)*l)],\
[0,0,-np.sqrt(k1)*np.sin(np.sqrt(k1)*l), np.cos(np.sqrt(k1)*l)],\
return [{'matrix': matrix, 'length': l}]
# The drift as a sequence of a single tuple
D4 = lambda L: [{'matrix': np.array([[1, L, 0, 0],[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, L], [0, 0, 0, 1]]), 'length': L}]
# The quadrupole as a sequence of a single tuple
Q4 = lambda f: [{'matrix': np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],[-1/f, 1, 0, 0],[0, 0, 1, 0],[0, 0, 1/f, 1]]), 'length': 0}]
# The sector bend
B4 = lambda phi, l: [{'matrix': np.array([[cos(phi),l/phi*sin(phi), 0, 0],\
[-sin(phi)/l*phi, cos(phi), 0, 0],\
[0, 0, 1, l],
[0, 0, 0, 1]]),'length': l}]
def twiss(beamline):
'''Returns the Q, and the Twiss parameters beta, alpha, gamma of the beamline'''
# 2x2 case
OTM = getEquivalentElement(beamline)
R = OTM[0]['matrix']
if np.shape(R)[0]<4:
mu = np.arccos(0.5*(R[0,0]+R[1,1]))
if (R[0,1]<0):
mu = 2*np.pi-mu;
Q = mu/(2*np.pi)
beta = R[0,1]/np.sin(mu)
alpha = (0.5*(R[0,0]-R[1,1]))/np.sin(mu)
gamma = (1+alpha**2)/beta
return Q, beta, alpha, gamma
# 4x4 case, we assume uncoupled motion!!!
if np.shape(R)[0]==4:
Rx = R[:2,:2]
mux = np.arccos(0.5*(Rx[0,0]+Rx[1,1]))
if (Rx[0,1]<0):
mux = 2*np.pi-mux;
Qx = mux/(2*np.pi)
betax = Rx[0,1]/np.sin(mux)
alphax = (0.5*(Rx[0,0]-Rx[1,1]))/np.sin(mux)
gammax = (1+alphax**2)/betax
Ry = R[2:,2:]
muy = np.arccos(0.5*(Ry[0,0]+Ry[1,1]))
if (Ry[0,1]<0):
muy = 2*np.pi-muy;
Qy = muy/(2*np.pi)
betay = Ry[0,1]/np.sin(muy)
alphay = (0.5*(Ry[0,0]-Ry[1,1]))/np.sin(muy)
gammay = (1+alphay**2)/betay
return (Qx, betax, alphax, gammax, Qy, betay, alphay, gammay)
# Test
f = 2.
l_cell = 4
l_drift = (l_cell)/2
fodo_lattice = Q4(f) + 10*D4(l_drift/10) + Q4(-f) + 10*D4(l_drift/10)
The tune is: {tune}
The beta is: {beta} m
The alpha is: {alpha}
The gamma is: {gamma}
The tune is: 0.2287591328904243 The beta is: 6.23526404004644 m The alpha is: -1.732017788901789 The gamma is: 0.641494184589888
Start from a single FODO cell with 60 degrees/cell you used earlier. Insert sector bending magnets with a bending angle of $\phi=10\,$degrees in the center of the drift spaces. The bending magnets will spoil the phase advance in one plane. Now you have two phase advances and need to adjust both quadrupoles (by hand to 2 significant figures) such that it really is 60 degrees in both planes.
l_cell = 4
l_dipole = 1
l_drift = (l_cell-l_dipole*2)/4
phi = 10*pi/360
def computeTunes(f_f,f_d):
fodo_lattice = Q4(f_f) + D4(l_drift) + B4(phi,l_dipole) + D4(l_drift) + Q4(f_d) + D4(l_drift) + B4(phi,l_dipole) + D4(l_drift)
Qx, betax, alphax, gammax, Qy, betay, alphay, gammay = twiss(fodo_lattice)
print(f'Qx = {Qx}')
print(f'Qy = {Qy}')
print(f'f_f = {f_f}')
print(f'f_d = {f_d}')
interactive_plot = interactive(computeTunes, f_f=(1.9,2.1,.001), f_d=(-2.1,-1.9,.001), continuous_update=True)
output = interactive_plot.children[-1]
output.layout.height = '100px'
Qx = 0.166795975407759 Qy = 0.16683496767875342 f_f = 2.04 f_d = -2.012
interactive_plot = interactive(computeTunes,f_f=(1.,3,.001),f_d=(-3,-1,.001),continuous_update=True)
output = interactive_plot.children[-1]
output.layout.height = '100px'
Qx = 0.2501321676922767 Qy = 0.16677964050295388 f_f = 1.491 f_d = -1.814
Prepare a beam line with eight FODO cells without bending magnets and with 60 degrees/cell phase advance in both planes. (a) Prepare the periodic beam matrix sigma0 (4x4, uncoupled) as the initial beam and plot both beam sizes along the beam line. (b) Use sigma0 as the starting beam, but change the focal length of the second quadrupole by 10\% and plot the beam sizes once again. Discuss you observations.
def transportSigmas(sigma, beamline):
coords = [sigma]
s = [0]
for elements in beamline:
coords.append(elements['matrix'] @ coords[-1] @ elements['matrix'].transpose())
s.append(s[-1] + elements['length'])
coords = np.array(coords).transpose()
if len(sigma) < 4:
return {'sigma11': coords[0][0],
'sigma12': coords[0][1],
'sigma21': coords[1][0], # equal to sigma12
'sigma22': coords[1][1],
's': np.array(s),
'coords': coords,}
elif len(sigma)==4:
return {'sigma11': coords[0][0],
'sigma12': coords[0][1],
'sigma21': coords[1][0], # equal to sigma12
'sigma22': coords[1][1],
'sigma33': coords[2][2],
'sigma34': coords[2][3],
'sigma43': coords[3][2], # equal to sigma12
'sigma44': coords[3][3],
's': np.array(s),
'coords': coords,}
f = 2.
l_cell = 4
l_drift = (l_cell)/2
fodo_lattice = Q4(f) + 10*D4(l_drift/10) + Q4(-f) + 10*D4(l_drift/10)
beamline = 8*fodo_lattice
Qx, betax, alphax, gammax, Qy, betay, alphay, gammay = twiss(beamline)
epsilon_0 = 1e-6
sigma_0 = epsilon_0*np.array([[betax, -alphax,0, 0],[-alphax, gammax,0,0],
[0,0, betay, -alphay],[0,0, -alphay, gammay],
output = transportSigmas(sigma_0, beamline)
plt.plot(output['s'], np.sqrt(output['sigma11'])*1e3, 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.plot(output['s'], np.sqrt(output['sigma33'])*1e3, 's-r', lw=3)
plt.ylabel('beam size [mm]')
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.title('Exercise 42');
from copy import deepcopy
beamline_new = deepcopy(beamline)
beamline_new[11]['matrix'][1,0] = beamline_new[11]['matrix'][1,0]*1.1
beamline_new[11]['matrix'][3,2] = beamline_new[11]['matrix'][3,2]*1.1
Qx, betax, alphax, gammax, Qy, betay, alphay, gammay = twiss(fodo_lattice)
epsilon_0 = 1e-6
sigma_0 = epsilon_0*np.array([[betax, -alphax,0, 0],[-alphax, gammax,0,0],
[0,0, betay, -alphay],[0,0, -alphay, gammay],
output = transportSigmas(sigma_0, beamline_new)
plt.plot(output['s'], np.sqrt(output['sigma11'])*1e3, 'o-b', lw=3)
plt.plot(output['s'], np.sqrt(output['sigma33'])*1e3, 's-r', lw=3)
plt.ylabel('beam size [mm]')
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.title('Exercise 42');
From the lecture about betatron coupling identify the transfer matrix for a solenoid and write a function that receives the longitudinal magnetic field $B_s$ and the length of the solenoid as input and returns the transfer matrix. Then extend the simulation code to handle solenoids. Finally, define a beam line where you place the solenoid in the middle of a FODO cell and follow a particle with initial condition $(x_0,x'_0,y_0,y'_0)=(10^{-3}\,\mathrm{m},0,0,0).$ What do you observe? Is the motion confined to the horizontal plane?
One has to remember that the matrix is \begin{equation} M_{\text {SOLENOID}}=\left(\begin{array}{cccc}{C^{2}} & {\frac{1}{K} S C} & {S C} & {\frac{1}{K} S^{2}}\\ {-K S C} & {C^{2}} & {-K S^{2}} & {S C}\\ {-S C} & {-\frac{1}{K} S^{2}} & {C^{2}} & {\frac{1}{K} S C}\\ {K S^{2}} & {-S C} & {-K S C} & {C^{2}} \end{array}\right) \end{equation} where \begin{equation} K=\operatorname{sgn}(\mathrm{q}) \frac{B_{s}}{2(B \rho)} \end{equation} and \begin{equation} \begin{array}{l}{C=\cos K L} \\ {S=\sin K L}\end{array} \end{equation}
def solenoid(Bs, L, B_rho, q):
'''Returns the L-long solenoid element with field Bs
normalized to B_rho and to the q polarity.'''
K = np.sign(q)*Bs/B_rho/2
C = np.cos(K*L)
S = np.sin(K*L)
matrix = np.array([[C**2, S*C/K, S*C, S**2/K],
[-K*S*C, C**2, -K*S**2, S*C],
[-S*C, -S**2/K, C**2, S*C/K],
[K*S**2, -S*C, -K*S*C, C**2]])
return [{'matrix': matrix,'length': L}]
# we need a minor update to the transportParticles
def transportParticles(x0,beamline):
coords = [x0]
s = [0]
for elements in beamline:
coords.append(elements['matrix'] @ coords[-1])
s.append(s[-1] + elements['length'])
coords = np.array(coords).transpose()
if len(x0)<4:
return {'x': coords[:,0,:],
'px': coords[:,1,:],
's': np.array(s),
'coords': coords,}
elif len(x0)==4:
return {'x': coords[:,0,:],
'px': coords[:,1,:],
'y': coords[:,2,:],
'py': coords[:,3,:],
's': np.array(s),
'coords': coords,}
f = 2.5
L_2 = 2
fodo_lattice = Q4(2*f) + 50*D4(L_2/50) + 50*solenoid(.2,.01,.1,1) + Q4(-f) + 50*solenoid(.4,.01,.1,1) + 50*D4(L_2/(50))+Q4(2*f)
beam = np.array([[1e-3],[0],[0],[0]])
output = transportParticles(beam, fodo_lattice)
plt.plot(output['s'], output['x'][0]*1e3,'.-b')
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.ylabel("x [mm]")
plt.title('Exercise 43')
plt.plot(output['s'], output['y'][0]*1e3,'s-r')
plt.xlabel('s [m]')
plt.ylabel("y [mm]")
plt.title('Exercise 43');
One can clearly see that the motion is coupled.