In particle accelerators, high radiation levels, ultra-high vacuum, cryogenic temperatures of the measured components and high electro-magnetic noise push accelerator surveyors to look for more robust, safe and accurate solutions of alignment. For example, for the High-Luminosity LHC project at CERN, a range of new and cost-optimized solutions using Fourier analysis-based Frequency Sweeping Interferometry (FSI) and capacitive technologies are under development. Moreover, the safe and easy alignment of components located in radioactive areas, requires easy, low-cost, and fast adjustment of the components.
Two presentations during this lecture will illustrate some axes of research and development related to this domain. The first presentation will present the status of development of such robust and low-cost, micrometric alignment systems. The second one will focus on the structured laser beam (SLB). The SLB is a new solution in the creation of pseudo-non-diffractive optical beams. Among its properties, it can, for example, propagate over extremely long distances with a very low central core divergence. These beams seem interesting to create optical alignment systems and are being studied to be used as reference for very precise alignments and positioning of optical elements, or objects such as physics detectors, particle accelerator components, etc. This presentation will give an overview of some of the SLB properties and of potential applications.
Short Bio Mateusz Sosin
Mateusz Sosin is head of the High Precision Alignment Section, inside the BE-GM group at CERN. The Section provides 3D, micrometric alignment solutions for specific accelerator components and is involved in research & development works to improve alignment techniques for HL-LHC and future colliders. Since the beginning of his career at CERN, Mateusz has been working as a mechatronic engineer, focusing on development of micrometric alignment systems for use in harsh accelerator environment.
Short Bio Jean-Christophe Gayde
Jean-Christophe Gayde is head of the Experiment Survey and Alignment section and deputy group leader of the BE-GM group. The section provides the Geodetic Metrology for the physics experiments at CERN and for the HIE-ISOLDE and ISOLDE facilities. The section is also in charge of the development of specific integrated alignment and monitoring systems for the experiments, and in charge of the R&D related to the Structured Laser Beam project.
Massimo Giovannozzi