The main scientific goal of SEEIIST is the realisation of a “Facility for Tumour Hadron Therapy and Biomedical Research”. Such a Regional Center of Scientific Excellence will strengthen local scientific expertise for future projects and the development of a sustainable economy and social cohesion. The facility is expected to stimulate the development of complementary technologies, such as the use of alternative energy sources or the development of advanced digital systems, and to trigger spin-offs. To maximise benefits it is planned as a regionally distributed facility with hubs in different countries offering numerous opportunities for technology transfer and benefits to South-East European industry as well as international cooperation opportunities.
The SEEIIST project has entered the Design Phase thanks to the first financial support of the European Commission (DG RTD) and the EU funded HITRIplus project, where state-of-the-art particle accelerator design is developed in collaboration with the main European research centres CERN and GSI-FAIR.
The SEEIIST meetings in Thessaloniki will be in hybrid mode, preferably in person and will include the:
- Open Steering Committee Meeting
- Closed Steering Committee Meeting
- Legal Framework Working Group Meeting
- Site Selection Working Group Meeting