25–29 Jul 2022
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
Europe/Zurich timezone

Energy distribution and equation of state of the early Universe after inflation

25 Jul 2022, 16:18
Blaum Seminar Room

Blaum Seminar Room

Cosmology Parallel Session D


Kenneth Marschall


We discuss the energy distribution and equation of state of the universe between the end of inflation and the onset of radiation domination for observationally consistent single-field inflation scenarios, with a potential ’flattening’ at large field values and a monomial shape around the origin. As a proxy for (p)reheating, the inflaton is coupled to a light scalar field with a quadratic interaction and we investigate the non-perturbative and non-linear dynamics of this system with the help of lattice simulations. For particular cases we are able to calculate the exact number of e-folds until radiation domination, which significantly reduces the uncertainty in the inflationary observables, the spectral tilt and tensor-to-scalar ratio.

Primary author

Kenneth Marschall

Presentation materials