25–29 Jul 2022
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
Europe/Zurich timezone

Explaining recent anomalies in vector-like fermion extensions

25 Jul 2022, 15:12
Central Seminar Room

Central Seminar Room

Particle Physics Parallel Session B


Dr Junichiro KAWAMURA (Institute for Basic Science, Keio University)


In this talk, I will discuss vector-like fermion explanations for the recent anomalies in the precision measurements; muon g-2, semi-leptonic B meson decays, as well as W boson mass. These deviations from the SM predictions can be addressed in models with vector-like fermions together with a new U(1) gauge symmetry or scalar field dark matter. I shall then discuss LHC limits on the vector-like leptons which are predicted to be light to explain the anomalies. This talk is based on arXiv: 2205.10480, 2204.07022, 2104.04461 [PRD104(2021)3,035007],1911.11075 [PRD101(2020)3,035026] and 1906.11297 [PRD100(2019)5,055030].

Primary author

Dr Junichiro KAWAMURA (Institute for Basic Science, Keio University)


Stuart Raby (The Ohio State University) Yuji Omura (Kindai Univ.) Shohei Okawa (ICC, University of Barcelona) Andreas Trautner

Presentation materials