Comments from Lydia:
- I think the important thing is that the deadline for any updates on the ECR panel composition is June 30th, so if anything changes in the place you're representing please contact your RECFA delegate to make sure they get on this on time. If you're representing a lab other than CERN, note that you will not be replaced after your mandate ends, the country your lab is in will instead get a fourth delegate when all three lab delegates have finished their mandate.
- We have had visits to Italy, Germany and Denmark this year. On our request it has now become standard to ask each country to include a talk on the perspective of the early career scientists, which has been very helpful and the comments brought up there have been included in the countries assessment. We will also ask for (gender) diversity information as a standard now, however this has not yet been requested at the previous visits so for those countries we only have rough numbers.
- This year we will still have a visit to Hungary (September) and Israel (November). The visit to Ukraine has, for obvious reason, been postponed. The plenary ECFA meeting in Dubna has been moved to CERN and will take place 21-22 July.
- The RECFA panel is still drafting statements that are also being shared with the CERN council on how CERN can deal with the invasion of the Ukraine. Decisions are of course being made in the CERN council, and not in the RECFA.
Finally we have chat with the ECFA chair and scientific secretary and the ECR PECFA delegates on the 23rd of June.