UK@CERN 2022

40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac (CERN)

40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac


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On site Event

Welcome to UK@CERN. 

-To request an invitation, please contact:

-Access Cards to enter CERN: Please follow instructions received by mail.

-Wifi @ CERN:Please complete this form .
Contact Person to be completed in form:
Name: Morer-Olafsen, First Name: Merethe, Department: IPT, Group: PI

B2B meeting rooms: 

Table 1: 61-1-007 Salle B
Table 2: 61-1-009 Salle C
Table 3: 61-1-017 Salle D
Table 4: Mezzanine 1 (follow indications)
Table 5: Mezzanine 2  (follow indications)
Table 6: Mezzanine 3  (follow indications)

Hint: To print out agenda w/meeting rooms:
Login to B2match->Agenda->My Agenda->Download .pdf
!! Please be aware that the "Meeting Request Option" is live and can change anytime.

Connection to zoom: The morning session on the 30th November can be followed on zoom. Participants without a CERN login are kindly requested to refer to information provided by separate mail.