4–10 Feb 2023
Ghent University
Europe/Brussels timezone

Frequently asked questions

Where is my confirmation?


Confirmation emails are being blocked by Gmail addresses, and some institutional addresses. If possible, please register with a non-Gmail address.


If you have already registered, please contact us at qip2023ghent@gmail.com if you have not received your confirmation.

Student support

  • What support is available for students?
    • We will provide accommodation to a small number of students. Application is via the registration form.
  • How can I apply for support?
  • Do I have to pay the registration cost to be eligible for support?
    • All applications will be considered following the close of registration. There will be no option to register if you are declined. We therefore recommend you complete registration if you can.


  • Where can I find my registration confirmation?
    • This is sent automatically on submission of the form. A large number of people find this ends up in their spam folder.