5:50 PM
Commissioning Results of MIRACLS’ new Paul Trap
Fabian Hummer
(McGill University, (CA))
5:52 PM
Towards a highly selective and high flux multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separator
Franziska Maria Maier
(Universität Greifswald)
5:54 PM
Collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy of stable 64, 66, 67,68, 70Zn isotopes
Yongchao Liu
5:56 PM
Enhancing ISOLDE beam purity by ion bunch width compression via fast modulated heating of the RILIS laser ion source
Isabel Eline Hendriks
(Lund University (SE))
5:58 PM
Control System of MIRACLS at ISOLDE
Anthony Roitman
6:00 PM
Operation and new development at the MELISSA laser lab in MEDICIS.
Cyril Bernerd
(KU Leuven (BE))
6:02 PM
Ultra-low ion energy implantation: depth control of radioactive probes in nanostructures, using the new ASCII chamber
Koen Karl F Van Stiphout
(Georg August Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
6:04 PM
Laser assisted decay spectroscopy of 178Au at the ISOLDE Decay Station
Christopher Page
(University of York (GB))
6:06 PM
Effect of temperature distribution on the spectra of RaF
Carlos Mario Fajardo Zambrano
(KU Leuven (BE))
Michail Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis
6:08 PM
Target material research and hot materials characterization infrastructure at SCK CEN
Joao Pedro Ramos
(Belgian Nuclear Research Center (BE))
6:10 PM
Charge radii measurements of $^{26-34}$Al transitioning into the $N$ = 20 island of inversion
Jordan Ray Reilly
(University of Manchester (GB))
6:12 PM
Approaching N=82 through silver with the recently implemented voltage scanning at CRIS
Bram van den Borne
(KU Leuven (BE))
6:14 PM
Challenging production of long-lived Xenon isotopes at ISOLDE: experiment vs theory
Ilaria Michelon
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
6:16 PM
Polarons in MoO$_{x}$ implanted with cadmium ($^{111m}$Cd-$^{111}$Cd ) probe
Adeleh Mokhles Gerami
(Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IR))
6:18 PM
Towards a photo-cathode driven electron-impact ion source for new molecular beams at ISOLDE –Numerical simulations of the ion extraction
Jochen Ballof
6:20 PM
Molecular Ions as Powerful Low-Energy Probes for Fundamental Physics
Carsten Zuelch
(Philipps Universitaet Marburg (DE))
6:22 PM
Vacuum-ultraviolet spectroscopy of thorium-229m: En route towards a solid-state nuclear clock
Sandro Kraemer on behalf of the IS658 collaboration
(Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (DE))
6:24 PM
Studies of triaxial deformations in $^{140}$Sm at ISOLDE
wanja paulsen
(university of Oslo)
6:26 PM
Nuclear electromagnetic moments of scandium isotopes studied by laser spectroscopy
Shiwei Bai
(Peking University (CN))
6:28 PM
Development of a Liquid Sample Dispensing System Facilitating Novel Applications of β-NMR at VITO
Tobias Patrick Treczoks
(Universitaet Oldenburg (DE))
6:30 PM
Transfer reactions in the neutron-rich krypton isotopes
Annie Dolan
(University of Liverpool (GB))
6:32 PM
Limits of the 'classical' laser ion source for medical radioisotope production
Ralitsa Ivaylova Mancheva
(KU Leuven (BE))
6:34 PM
The first real-world test of the single-mode Raman laser for RILIS applications
Eduardo Granados
6:36 PM
The PI-LIST Laser Ion Source at ISOLDE: Implementation and Initial Results
Asar A H Jaradat