Effect of nuclear structure on particle production in heavy-ion collisions using the AMPT model
Vipul Bairathi
(Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá)
Multiplicity distributions and entropy of the produced particles in one dimensional models and QCD
Eugene Levin
Exclusive production of heavy meson pairs: a novel tool for study of the partonic content of the proton.
Marat Siddikov
Boundary effects in the parity-breaking hadronic medium
Oleg Novikov
(Saint-Petersburg State University, V.A.Fock Department of Theoretical Physics)
On measurement of spin quantization axis of the $V$- meson resonance via the cross sections of inclusive reaction $A+B\Longrightarrow V+X\Longrightarrow 1+2+X$ and relativistic partial wave analysis of the $V$-meson decay reaction $V\Longrightarrow 1+2$.
Alexander Machavariani