EP Seminar

Looking forward to New Physics at the LHC and HL-LHC: FASER and the FPF

by Jamie Boyd (CERN)

222/R-001 (CERN)



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FASER, the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, is an LHC experiment located 480 m downstream of the ATLAS interaction point, along the beam collision axis.  FASER and its sub-detector FASERnu have two physics goals: (1) to detect and study TeV-energy neutrinos, the most energetic neutrinos ever detected from a human-made source, and (2) to search for new light and very weakly-interacting particles. FASER was designed, constructed, installed, and commissioned during 2019-2022 and has been taking physics data since the start of LHC Run 3 in July 2022. This seminar will present the status of the experiment, including physics projections, the detector design and detector performance results from Run 3 data. The seminar will also briefly discuss  the  Forward Physics Facility (FPF), which is a proposed facility to house several future experiments in the very forward region of the HL-LHC collisions, including a larger version of FASER.


Organised by

Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus and Pedro Silva.....Refreshments will be served at 10h30

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