Birational geometry and dynamics



Hotel Les Sources Chemin du Vernex 9 1865 Les Diablerets Switzerland
Anna Bot (University of Basel), Egor Yasinsky (Université de Bordeaux), Fabio Bernasconi (University of Basel), Jeremy Blanc (CERN), Julia Schneider, Zsolt Patakfalvi (EPFL)

The workshop aims to explore various connections between birational geometry and complex dynamics, focusing on recent achievements in the field. We will gather world-leading experts in the area to further explore these new techniques and to foster new ideas in this flourishing field. A lecture series by Charles Favre on dynamical degrees will give a survey of the recent advances in the study of the Cremona group via dynamical considerations aimed at non-experts. Furthermore, we organise a series of research talks while still allowing sufficient free time to address research problems in small groups and problem sessions for the junior participants.

Preliminary schedule

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:30-10:30 Favre Favre Favre Favre Favre
10:40-11:15 Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
11:15-12:15 Amerik Krieger Ramadas Deserti Bac-Dang
12:30-14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:30-15:30 Urech Ji Brandhorst Hike  
15:30-16:30 Coffee Coffee Coffee    
16:30-17:30 Lamy Lesieutre Cantat    
17:30-18:30 PS/Free PS/Free Lightning talks: Abboud, Amirkhanov, Bender, Birkett, Fong, Jiang, Mezzedimi, Zikas    
19:30 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner  


Titles and abstracts

Confirmed speakers:

  • Katia Amerik
  • Simon Brandhorst
  • Serge Cantat
  • Nguyen-Bac Dang
  • Julie Deserti
  • Charles Favre
  • Holly Krieger 
  • Stéphane Lamy
  • John Lesieutre
  • Lena Ji
  • Rohini Ramadas
  • Christian Urech


Lightning talks by Marc Abboud, Maxim Amirkhanov, Chase Bender, Richard Birkett, Pascal Fong, Qitong Jiang, Giacomo Mezzedimi, and Sokratis Zikas.