First NExT PhD Workshop

Seminar One room (The Cosener's House, Abingdon, UK)

Seminar One room

The Cosener's House, Abingdon, UK

Alexander Belyaev (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
This NExT PhD Workshop is the first of a series, open to NExT Institute staff, PDRAs and students, as well as external participants. It is aiming to bring people together to present, share and generate new ideas.
The program of this workshop includes four review lectures on: Extra Dimensions by Prof. I. Antoniadis, Supersymmetry by Prof. M. Kraemer, Technicolour by Prof. F. Sannino, Collider Physics by Dr. C. Lester.
It also includes shorter research presentations of external speakers as well as NExT PhD students, PDRAs and staff members on a variety of topics including: Supersymmetry, Extra Dimensions, Technicolour, Neutrino Physics, Cosmology and Collider Phenomenology.
There will also be two discussion sessions and plenty of time for informal conversations.
The meeting is organised by the NExT Institute and sponsored by SEPnet. This event is in fact part of the SEPnet Graduate School.
Travel Forms
Organised by

Elena Accomando, Venus Keus, Luca Panizzi

  • Agamemnon Sfondilis
  • Alexander Belyaev
  • Andrew Akeroyd
  • Andrew Williams
  • Christopher Lester
  • Claire Shepherd-Themistocleus
  • David Berman
  • Diego Becciolini
  • Elena Accomando
  • Francesco Sannino
  • Giacomo Cacciapaglia
  • Gianluca Inguglia
  • Greg Fletcher
  • Ignatios Antoniadis
  • James West
  • Jason Hammett
  • Ken Mimasu
  • Luca Marzola
  • Maien Binjonaid
  • Marcella Bona
  • Maria Dimou
  • Matthew Brown
  • Michael Atkins
  • Michael Kraemer
  • Moritz MCGarrie
  • Nikolas Kauer
  • Nina Gausmann
  • Pasquale Di Bari
  • Patrick Svantesson
  • Paul Archer
  • Roman Zwicky
  • Stefano Moretti
  • Stephan Dietz
  • Stephan Huber
  • Stephen West
  • Ting-Cheng Yang