ECFA ECR Panel meeting

Holly Pacey (University of Oxford (GB)), Jan-Hendrik Arling (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Valentina Zaccolo (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))
Zoom Meeting ID
Valentina Zaccolo
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Introduction by the organising committee: 

  • three spots available as Plenary ECFA delegate, please send your nominations/self-nominations
  • consider to join also the organisation committee
  • End-of-year report will have to be prepared on the activities that we did this year: a draft will be prepared, call for active people to contribute
  • job mailing list?


  • several updates were discussed in the summer plenaries ECFA meetings regarding laboratories, detectors R&D and new ideas for future factories
  • PECFA meeting 16/17 november with new chair nomination + talks on detector R&D etc
  • ICFA seminar at DESY 27.11 -> send ideas about future perspectives in HEP to Lydia (RECFA)
  • country visits are ongoing

Future Collider WG - Armin

  • successful meeting for ECRs at CERN in September with > 100 participants 
    • attention was given also to 
      • environmental impact of new facilities
      • impact on society (costs a cup of coffee per year to each european and the impact on knowledge is huge!)
      • ideas for recycling facilities (was pointed out that in the ~20 years in between last taken data and future colliders one can use the actual detectors in facilities at CERN)
    • muon collider and FCC go hand in hand in the development of technologies
    • not only detectors: reports on feasibility precision measurements were delivered
    • EIC and FCC were also discussed in the point of view of heavy-ion experiments
    • ECRs have primary role in the future colliders shaping + huge interest from everybody involved 
  • WG activities have been presented in different meetings and now a document is to be prepared
  • national events are in preparation

Software and machine learning WG - Marta

  • survey in preparation about software and ML skills needed 
  • plan to organise a school/workshop dedicated to software training and development
  • join mattermost channel and mailing list!

Career prospect and diversity in physics - Holly

  • survey updates, 760 answers were collected!
  • plan for the analysis now ongoing, the document will also include recommendations for the future
  • if interested in contributing join mattermost and mailing list!


  • end-of-year report? Idea to have one person responsible for drafting the different sections about WGs
  • job mailing list? call for volunteers to take responsibility on this activity!
  • next meeting at the end of January where a formal call for PECFA representatives will be done
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.