The CLIC Conceptual Design Report (CDR) summarizes the concept of a Linear Collider based on the CLIC technology, its physics case and the expected performance and design of the physics detectors. A draft version of CDR Volume 1 (CLIC Accelerator) and the final version of Volume 2 (Physics and Detectors) are available (links in the menu on the left).
You are cordially invited to subscribe to the CDR Signatories List:
- If you have made contributions to the CLIC accelerator or the Linear Colliders Physics and Detector studies, or intend to contribute in the future,
- If you wish to express support to the physics case and the study of a multi-TeV Linear Collider based on the CLIC technology, and its detector concepts1. 1 Note that signing the CDR does not imply an expression of exclusive support for CLIC versus other major collider options under development.
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