Quantum critical points (QCPs) are windows to fundamental quantum mechanical phenomena associated with universal behaviour. Recently, antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling in noncentrosymmetric systems was suggested to protect ferromagnetic QCPs. A dense Kondo lattice CeSi$_{2-δ}$, crystallising in a centrosymmetric structure, exhibits ferromagnetic order when Si is replaced with Ag. We report that the Ag-substitution to CeSi$_{1.97}$ linearly suppresses the ferromagnetic order towards a QCP, accompanied by concurrent strange-metal behaviour. Herein, we suggest that, despite the centrosymmetric structure, spin-orbit coupling arising from the local noncentrosymmetric structure, in combination with nonsymmorphic symmetry, can protect ferromagnetic QCPs. Our findings offer a general guideline for discovering new ferromagnetic QCPs.