9–13 Sept 2024
ETH Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

【141】The three-dimensional multiferroic domain structure of hexagonal manganites

10 Sept 2024, 19:45
1h 45m
ETZ Foyer

ETZ Foyer

Poster Condensed Matter Physics (KOND) Poster Session


Mr Aaron Merlin Müller (ETH Zürich)


We simulate and visualize the three-dimensional domain structure of multiferroic hexagonal manganites using phase-field simulations. Due to the improper nature of their ferroelectric order, hexagonal manganites exhibit unconventional six-fold vortices in their ferroelectric domain patterns. In 3D, these domain patterns are characterized by vortex lines, which are 1D topological defects that form loops. Below the Néel temperature, an additional antiferromagnetic order rigidly coupled with the ferroelectric order emerges, forming vortex domain patterns of its own. In our simulations, we observe new types of antiferromagnetic three-fold, four-fold and six-fold vortex lines in addition to ferroelectric six-fold vortex lines. We relate the existence of these vortex lines to rigid coupling between orders.


Mr Aaron Merlin Müller (ETH Zürich) Mr Lukas Heckendorn (ETH Zürich) Prof. Manfred Fiebig (ETH Zürich) Dr Thomas Lottermoser (ETH Zürich)

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