Harvey Birch
(University of Zurich)
LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is centered on a liquid xenon time projection chamber (LXe-TPC) searching for nuclear recoils induced by Weakly Interacting Massive Particles. One of the backgrounds for LZ are neutrons, as they result in nuclear recoils in the TPC. Surrounding the TPC is an Outer Detector which is used to veto neutron events in the TPC. The Outer Detector consists of 17t of gadolinium-loaded liquid scintillator confined in acrylic tanks surrounding the TPC and 238t of high purity water as the outermost layer. This volume is monitored by 120 PMTs to detect light from particle interactions. I will present an overview of the LZ Outer Detector and its performance.
Primary author
Harvey Birch
(University of Zurich)