Anna Tamai
(DQMP, University of Geneva)
Strongly interacting Fermi liquids often turn into bad metals at elevated temperature. How this crossover proceeds is largely unknown, as is the nature of the bad metal state. Here, we address this question by studying the temperature dependence of quasiparticles in the model Fermi liquid Sr$_2$RuO$_4$. In contrast to common ARPES beliefs, our experiments show that quasiparticles do not disappear via a vanishing quasiparticle residue $Z$. To the contrary, we find that the residue $Z$ increases with increasing temperature. Quasiparticles eventually disappear not by losing spectral weight but by dissolving via excessive broadening. These findings are in semi-quantitative agreement with dynamical mean field theory calculations.
Primary author
Anna Tamai
(DQMP, University of Geneva)