9–13 Sept 2024
ETH Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

【641】Variation in Domain Wall Properties in Ferrimagnetic Thin Films

10 Sept 2024, 19:45
1h 45m
ETZ Foyer

ETZ Foyer

Poster Spintronics and Magnetism at the Nanoscale Poster Session


Laura van Schie (ETH Zurich)


Ferrimagnetic materials have emerged as promising candidates for spintronic applications due to the ultrafast domain wall motion observed at the magnetization compensation point. Although there is an intrinsic explanation of this, the changes in the characteristics of the domain wall over this transition have not been observed. To probe these changes over the compensation point we measure domain walls in alloyed rare earth- transition metal ferrimagnets over varying temperature using the high resolution and high sensitivity scanning technique NV magnetometry. Revealing these changes would allow us to better engineer magnetic materials for future spintronic applications.


Laura van Schie (ETH Zurich) Prof. Christian Degen (ETH Zurich) Prof. Pietro Gambardella (ETH Zurich)

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