Luca Berchialla
(Paul Sherrer)
Artificial spin ice are arrangements of dipolar coupled nanomagnets, which exhibit a range of interesting behaviour. Here, we study an artificial spin ice based on the ruby lattice. This pattern has a complex unit cell with 12 nanomagnets and two lattice constants that define it. By varying the two lattice constants independently, we can change the interaction between nanomagnets. Using x-ray photoemission electron microscopy we observed different ordering mechanisms depending on the lattice constants. Moreover, the system can order in one or two steps as shown by Monte Carlo simulations.
Luca Berchialla
(Paul Sherrer)
Anja Weber
(Paul Sherrer Institute)
Gavin Macauley
(Paul Scherrer Institute / ETH Zurich)
Laura Heyderman
(ETH Zurich - Paul Scherrer Institute)
Peter Derlet
(ETH Zürich and Paul Scherrer Institut)
Tianyue Wang
(Paul Scherrer Institute/ETH Zurich)
Valerio Scagnoli
(Paul Sherrer Institute - ETHZ)