Strong magnetic fields are an extremely powerful tool for investigating, modifying and controlling different states of matter on microscopic and macroscopic length scales. Whereas commercial superconducting magnets reach magnetic fields up to 28.3 T, stronger fields are only available at specialized large-scale facilities. Due to very high acquisition and operating costs, such facilities...
Unconventional superconductivity often couples to other electronic orders in a cooperative or competing fashion. Identifying external stimuli that tune between these two limits is of fundamental interest. We show that strain perpendicular to the CuO2-planes couples directly to the competing interaction between charge stripe order and superconductivity in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4 (LSCO). Compressive...
Enhancing Jc and Bc2 in Nb3Sn wires is crucial for developing the 16 T dipole magnets needed for the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh). A refinement of the Nb3Sn grain size is the most straightforward strategy to obtain an improved Jc performance. To this end we implemented an internal oxidation process that controls the Nb3Sn grain growth via oxides nanoparticles formed during the synthesis....