We will present the results of the project initiated by SwissMAP, which aims to introduce the themes of cosmology and general relativity at upper secondary level (senior high school). After an overview of the motivations and challenges inherent in this educational effort, we will provide illustrative examples of activities, as well as the feedback collected during field implementation and the...
Based on simulated data from the SST-1M observation system, a former prototype for an international gamma-ray telescope experiment (CTAO) involving the University of Geneva, we've created a Python data analysis project suitable for high school students. This project is part of an interdisciplinary learning approach that combines physics and computer science and is intended to be completed over...
With about 70‘000 registered participants and over 1 million clicks on the web page every year, Physics in Advent (PiA for short) is one of the major physics outreach projects in Europe. PiA is an playful physcis Advent calendar of the Georg-August University in Göttingen. From 1 to 24 December, an experiment riddle will be posted on the PiA homepage every day. The goal of PiA is to foster...
Starting fall 2024, all EPFL departments will introduce sustainability-oriented topics into both bachelor’s and Master’s classes with a focus on real-world applications. What are the challenges for students and for professors? In this flash talk, three pillars for integrating sustainability in physics education will be shared.
The International (Young) Physicists’ Tournament, short I(Y)PT, is a physics competition for students (IYPT: pre-university, IPT: university) with a strong focus on project and teamwork. In contrast to most other science competitions, the problems are published about a year before the tournament. An ideal I(Y)PT problem should allow for experimental and theoretical investigations on different...
The interest of youth in STEM, particularly physics and engineering studies, is experiencing a decline, despite the pressing need for a new generation of specialists to drive cutting-edge research crucial for innovation, economic progress, and sustainable development. To address this challenge, innovative approaches are needed to inspire more students to pursue STEM careers. Contextualizing...