2:00 PM
Tetiana Obikhod
(Institute for Nuclear Research NAS of Ukraine)
2:15 PM
Determination of the electric dipole moment of heavy $\Lambda$ and $\Lambda_c^+$ baryons in electron-positron annihilation
Roman Ovsiannikov
(V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, NSC «Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology»)
2:30 PM
Energy correlation of bottom quarks from decays of top quarks in electron-positron annihilation at high energy
Ivan Truten
(NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkiv, Ukraine)
2:45 PM
Four types of phase transitions in interacting meson (boson) matter at high temperatures
Denys Zhuravel
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
Dmitry Anchishkin
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
3:00 PM
Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement
Mark Gorenstein
(BITP Kyiv)
3:15 PM
Axial Channeling and Stochastic Deflection as Tools to Manipulate Trajectories of Charged Particle Beams
Andrea Mazzolari
3:30 PM
Correlation between multiple scattering angle and ionization energy loss in electron detectors
Micola Bondarenco
3:45 PM
Modeling soft physics in heavy ion collision experiments: from GeV to TeV energies
Yuriy Sinyukov
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)
4:00 PM
Dip-bump structure in proton diffractive dissociation at the LHC
Laszlo Jenkovszky
(Bogolubov ITP, Kiev)
Laszlo Jenkovszky
(National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
László Jenkovszky