HI-ECN3 Doors (fire doors and access)
112/4-B60 - EN-IM Meeting Room (CERN)
Présent: Claudia, Anna, Tomasz, Fernando, Francois, JL, Mélania
- A FIRIA assesmnent of the HI-ECN3 Facility will be performed out this study a definition of the doors will be defined (the orignaly forseen configuration by NA-CONS need to be tuned with the reconfiguation for HI-ECN3)
- The TDC8 DOOR (D6) (Currently Access and ventilation) is the interface between NA-CONS and HI-ECN3
- For the access system this door (D6) will be interlocked and should be ready for the restsart of the NA operation at the end of LS3 INJECTOR (MAY 2028) – installation and planning to be agreed with HI-ECN3
- Some modifications have to be forseen on this existing door as the Beam line will be raised and possibly shifted horyzontaly those shift are not yet know today as it depend on the final beam optic
Action Fernando to define together with Ana and Adem a slot for the modification and instrumentation of the current door coherant with NA operation
- In addition a fire door will be installed based on the NACONS risk assessment: watch out as the Beam line will be raised and possibly shifted horyontaly in adition the longitudinal position is not yet defined as it will depend on the final beam layout (ideally the door should be located in a drifted space)
Action: Jean-Louis to inform Michael Lazzaroni (and Adem) about the status of this door, being under the responsability of NA-CONS for design, implementation, with the inputs of the new position and configuration of the beam line given by HI-ECN3 project
- As a reminder in general door functionnalities (acces and fire doors) shouldn't be mixed
The document describing the doors functionnalities https://edms.cern.ch/document/2749459/3 is shared by Anna to be understood that this document need to be updated (for TCC8 and ECN3 we need to have the outcome of the FIRIA assesement
- The drawing (https://edms.cern.ch/document/2873062/2) showing the doors need to be updated and should contain fire doors and access doors to have the full clear picture
Action: Anna & Adem to propose an updated version of the drawing coherant with proposed implementation
- For the new fire door (D18) after the access shaft between 912 and TCC8 some attention have to be payed as the control cubicle of the crane will be there (the current cooling station will be removed)
Action: Jean-Louis to folllow integration of the access tunnel with the inputs from EN-HE for the crane cubicle
- For the target complex area there is a need to define RP access restriction(s) for both cases (operation and maintenance)
Action: Claudia & Jean-Louis to define requirements
- For information an additional tunnel might be drilled for an iradiation station perpendicular to TCC8 inline with the target station (not the current baseline)
- All fire doors and access doors of TCC8 and ECN3 to be installed after LS3
- The currently foseen cabling volume for TCC8 and ECN3 doors can shared with EN-EL but flaging this volume as part of HI-ECN3 cabling campaign to be done post LS3
Action: Anna to update EN-EL with this information - For the new ECN3 material shaft some discussion whether access control, ventilation fire door or lid are needed- > to be further developed during the design and integration of the new shaft
Action: Francois to follow-up the design and integration of new shaft
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