LHC EFT WG: proposal for a complete basis for CP-even aQGC operators

40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie (CERN)

40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie


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The aim of this meeting is to discuss a proposal of complete basis for CP-even aQGC operators. The draft of a LHC EFT WG note presenting these tentative new conventions is available below.

Ideas and comments can be posted in this gDoc ahead of the meeting to seed the open discussion.

This meeting will be held on Zoom.

LHC EFT WG meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Gauthier Durieux
Alternative hosts
Robert Schoefbeck, Abideh Jafari, Nicholas Wardle, Sandra Kortner, Anke Biekoetter, Christoph Michael Langenbruch, Admir Greljo, Shankha Banerjee, Gregory Max Ciezarek, Matteo Presilla, Ken Mimasu, Jacob Julian Kempster, Nicolas Berger, Kristin Lohwasser
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