FCC-ee Injector Design (CHART proposal) Coordination meeting 19
Zoom Meeting ID
Paolo Craievich
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Few notes from Paolo:
- On the positron linac, the question remains as to whether for the FS report we should already provide a solution in the S-band. After today's discussion, the trend is to stay with the 2 GHz frequency.
- Hannes will organize the next meeting on the beam parameters along the acclerator chian.
- Discussion on the S-band frequency for the linacs: For the final report, we will keep the results obtained with the 2.8 GHz facilities. No major changes are expected with the new frequency. The new rf structures will be designed after the FS report.
- Transfer line: 50 m is assumed for the location of the injector for the transfer line to/from the DR. This assumption needs to be verified.
- Ozgur will send the MAD X file to Sue for the DR.
- Simone Spampinati will attend the WP1 and WP3 meetings.
- Circumference of the DR is about 380 m, compatible with the current space, triangular shape.
- Table with requested parameters in slide 7.
- table on slide 2 with parameters for the different modes. The latest values are to be checked. Hannes can help on this point.
- Alexej's present the last schematic layout used for the injector sting studies. Paolo will update the official one
- Riccardo sent the Maxewell 3D file to generate the field map of the chiacane and solenoids. But IJCLab has no resources to run the code. Need support.
- Iryna presents two solutions to be able to work with an acceleranit section aperture of 40 mm. One of the two solutions involves the use of quadrupoles around the structures at least in the first part of the linac after the solenoidal channel. Solution to be investigated.
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