Summer student rehearsal

32/1-A24 (CERN)



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CERN Key4hep Discussion

Attendees: Andre, Mateusz, Juan, Swathi, Katerina, Giulia

Apologies: Benedikt, Leonhard

Date: September 17

## News

## Round The Table

### Giulia

* Working on the presentation
* Rehearsal September 19th at 15h00 in 32/1-A24

### Katerina

* Working on the presentation
* Rehearsal September 19th at 10h00 in 4/R-050

### Swathi

* Finished writing text for feasibility software paper
* ICHEP Proceedings
    * Poster proceedings done
    * Key4hep proceedings todo

### Juan

* Building the stack with gcc14
    * Many packages to be updated, latex not compiling

* Making build matrices more generic to more easily add new build options

* Have to test overlay once more

### Mateusz

* Pythonisations of podio and EDM4hep
    * Disallow wrong attributes
    * Not super slow loading the library
    * Error when using wrong index, 
    * Getting immutable object instead of mutable one
    * RDataSource is now accessible from Python
    * EDM4hep was losing information from import system, module was overwritten by cppyy namespace

* JuliaCI PR
    * No response for 1 month

* k4FWCore MetadataSvc fixes PR

### Andre

* Fixing FCC VO registration
* Copying files for Leonhard from ILC to FCC VO

## AOB

## Summerstudents

* Dates:
    * Katerina Kostova: 01/07 to 27/09
        * Rehearsal: Thu, Sep 19, 10:00
    * Giulia Gianoli: 01/07 to 27/09
        * Rehearsal: Thu, Sep 19, 15:00

## Next Meeting

September 24, 2024


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