Working Group Meeting of COST Action COSMIC WISPers (CA21106)
01.403-01.404 (Kirchhoff Institute for Physics)
Kirchhoff Institute for Physics
Im Neuenheimer Feld 227
69120 Heidelberg
Axions and other very weakly interacting slim (m << GeV) particles (WISPs) are easily accommodated in several extensions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Searches for WISPs are strongly motivated by our attempts to understand the nature of the dark matter and puzzling astrophysical and particle physics observations.
The Working Group Meeting will shape the activities of the COST Action "COSMIC WISPers in the Dark Universe: Theory, astrophysics, experiments" (CA21106). The objective of the meeting is to promote a discussion among the different communities involved in the project, with the immediate aim of reviewing the present experimental and theoretical status of WISP searches and plan further directions of investigation. Highlights related to the different Working Groups will be presentes as well as status report of each Working Group.
- Alessandro Lella
- Alessandro Mirizzi
- Alexander Stoll
- Amedeo Maria Favitta
- Andreas Ringwald
- Andreas Schachner
- Antonio Gómez Bañón
- Arturo de Giorgi
- Babette Dobrich
- Claudio Gatti
- Elisa Todarello
- Francesca Lecce
- Guenter Sigl
- Inma Dominguez
- Joerg Jaeckel
- Lei Cong
- Loredana Gastaldo
- Luca Brunelli
- Marco Gorghetto
- Mario Reig
- Martin Bauer
- Mathieu Kaltschmidt
- Michele Gallinaro
- Nicole Righi
- Ophir Ruimi
- Rafid H. Dejrah
- Stepan Kunc
- Teng Ma
- Ville Vaskonen
- Zarina Bugulova