The aim of the High Luminosity Project (HL-LHC) at CERN is to upgrade the performance of the LHC in order to enable a luminosity of 200-300 fb-1/y. The Project includes a Design Study within the European Framework Programme FP7, called HiLumi LHC, and will take place over a four year time span, from 1st November 2011 to 30th September 2015. The Project is also the main objective of the US LARP Program (LHC Accelerator Research Program) and of the CERN-KEK Collaboration for the upgrade of the LHC. Twenty institutes from the EU research area, the US and Japan participate to the HiLumi LHC Design Study.
The 1st HiLumi LHC Collaboration Meeting will take place at CERN from 16th to 18th November 2011 and will be organised as a joint meeting with LARP (LARP CM17).
On Wednesday 16th November, a typical LARP CM will be organised with a plenary session followed by two parallel sessions (Acc. Physics and Magnet R&D) and the accent will be put on the LARP program and results.
On Wednesday evening, all collaborators will be invited to a Welcome Drink organised by the HiLumi Management Team that will take place at the Glassbox (restaurant no.1) at 7 PM.
On Thursday 17th November, various parallel sessions will be organised for LARP and the HiLumi WPs and the latter will be followed by the first HiLumi LHC Plenary Session, which will be dedicated to the HiLumi LHC management and technical coordination presentations. The 1st HiLumi LHC Collaboration Board will also take place on the second day of the meeting.
On Friday 18th November, a HiLumi LHC Public Session will be organised at CERN in the Main Auditorium to review the HL-LHC program and CERN plan, as well as to discuss the US and Japan involvement and the status of the various WPs.
The participation to the first two days of the meeting will require an invitation and registration on the website will be compulsory. On the third day, the public session will be open to everyone and people are encouraged to attend the session and to advertise this event among their colleagues.
General topic - Workflow between beam dynamics, magnet design and energy deposition - 17 Nov (AM)BE Auditorium Meyrin, CERN
BE Auditorium Meyrin, CERN
The workflow between the different working packages will be discussed, giving tentative deadlines, validated by all the actors to
be sure that each part has the proper information at the right time, and to identify bottlenecks.
DrEzio Todesco(CERN)
Beam dynamics and optics
Andrzej Wolski(University of Liverpool), Oliver Bruning(CERN)
DrEzio Todesco(CERN)
Energy deposition
Francesco Cerutti(CERN)
Coffee break
Accelerator Physics - 17 Nov (AM)6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin (CERN)
What are the common choices and what is being made different in TQ/HQ and in the 11 T in terms of design - insulation - winding - stress management - radiation resistance materials.
Bernhard Auchmann(CERN)
Design of large aperture separation dipoles D1
Present status of design. Discussion of the main choices: margin and coil width. Analysis of the Nb3Sn conceptual design - is it viable or should we go to Nb-Ti? Fringe fields and anticorrection coils for the 180 mm case.
Qingjin Xu(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)), Tatsushi Nakamoto