HL-LHC BGI - magnet design update
draft !
William, Dominique, Lauren, Gunn
Introduction & Presentation
- Dominique presented an overview of the BGI project and its magnet requirements.
- The latest design and integration model for LHC Point 4, developed in CATIA by František, was shown.
Main Magnet Design
- The new main magnet design has been optimized to be compatible with the existing power converters from the BBLR instrument (600A, 40V) and new DC cables.
- The magnet and cable require 24V @ 490A, leaving a sufficient margin.
Recycling of MDX Magnets
- The old MDX magnets will be repurposed as trim magnets, using existing power converters and cables (125A, 125V).
- The magnet and cable require 37V @ 45A, also leaving a margin.
Magnet Design & Field Quality
- The design has been fine-tuned for cost optimization by reusing existing power converters, achieving the best possible outcome.
- The coil is circular, with tapered and rounded yoke ends to maximize field homogeneity (dB/B < 1E-3).
- Magnetic field harmonic numbers were presented, requiring approval from the LHC beam optics team (BE-ABP, Riccardo?).
- In particular, B3 harmonics appear relatively high, but their impact on the LHC beam is expected to be negligible.
Cost & Timeline
- Preliminary cost estimates and procurement timeline were discussed (figures not yet finalized).
- If the magnet design is approved by BE-ABP, the production plan will be:
- Manufacturing of one pre-series magnet.
- Followed by production of three additional magnets.
- No spare magnet will be built; only spare coils will be ordered.
Action Items
- Officially reserve the four existing power converters from BBLR.
LHC Beam Optics Team (BE-ABP)
- Verify that the field harmonics of the new magnet meet LHC beam requirements.
BI-ML Team
- Obtain the 3D model from František.
- Begin working on the BGI instrument integration and support mechanics.
Machine Protection Team (Jan Uthoven)
- Update them on the latest magnet design.
V-IPM Simulations
- Run simulations using the latest B-field map.
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