We will introduce the meeting by reviewing the findings from the first Identity Workshop at CERN earlier this year drawing out the common themes and challenges identified across the scientific communities represented: High Energy Physics, the Humanities, Life Sciences, Photon/Neutron and Climate Science.
Each community represented will present a use case which is consistent with their vision of federated identity management and highlight the issues blocking them implementing this use case today.
These inputs will be drawn together at the end of the session to present a common vision for federated identity.
Part of this session. Each community represented will present a use case which is consistent with their vision of federated identity management and highlight the issues blocking them implementing this use case today.
These inputs will be drawn together at the end of the session to present a common vision for federated identity.
A free coach has been laid on to Oxford for any delegates who have accommodation booked in Oxford or who wish to get dinner in the city centre.
Coach transport is available for those staying in Oxford. It will leave from the centre of Oxford and go to RAL ready fir the first session
The national identity federations and the pan-European coordination bodies represent key stakeholders. Representatives from these organisations have been invited to speak in this session and address a set of key policy questions put to them by representatives from each of the scientific communities participating in this workshop.