LCG 3D - Database Administrator Meeting @ CNAF

C052 - Meeting Room, first floor. (INFN - CNAF)

C052 - Meeting Room, first floor.


viale Berti Pichat 6/2
The focus of this meeting will be to do a coordinated database recovery of the replicated setup with all Tier 1 sites and Tier 0. It would be good if as many sites as possible could attend in person, so that people can profit from each others experience with RMAN in this hands-on activity. In addition we will review the progress of the experiment scalability tests with the tier 1 database setups and discuss the status of the upcoming milestones in this area. For details about registration and accommodation please see Barbara's email A VRVS conference will be available in the room Ocean. A Phone conference will be available: - to join the phone conference, dial +39 051 4209801, - to let the system call you, please send an email to alessandro.italiano(at)