Yang Wang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)Prof.
Zhi Qin
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, China)
A new chemical system of metal carbonyl complexes was used for studying the gas-phase chemical behavior of Mo, Tc, and Ru isotopes with a low temperature on-line isothermal gas chromatography apparatus. Carbonyl complexes were synthesized using hot atom gas chemical reactions with carbon monoxide and a 252Cf fission source. On-line isothermal chromatography (IC) experiments, on Teflon and quartz surfaces showed that short-lived Mo isotopes can form carbonyl complexes which are very volatile and interact most likely in physisorption processes. Deduced adsorption enthalpies of Mo carbonyls varied between -37±1kJ/mol and -39±1kJ/mol. Furthermore, the adsorption enthalpies of Tc and Ru carbonyls were determined to be -37±2 kJ/mol and -36±2 kJ/mol, respectively. The speciation of studied carbonyls is still missing. The described data give great hope that this compound class might be well suited for future study of nuclear and chemical properties of the transactinide elements seaborgium, (Sg, Z=106), bohrium (Bh, Z=107), hassium (Hs, Z=108), and possibly also meitnerium (Mt, Z=109).