Session 11: Education and training in radiochemistry and dissemination of culture in nuclear and radiochemistry (session organized by CINCH consortium)
- Rolf Zeisler (NIST, USA)
- Giacomo Cuttone (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, LNS, Italy)
Jan John
(Czech Technical University in Prague, Brehova 7, 115 19 Prague, Czech Republic)
20/09/2012, 14:00
Education in radiochemistry and dissemination of culture in nuclear and radiochemistry
Invited Lecture
The renaissance of nuclear power is already requiring a significant increase in the number of the respective specialists, amongst others are nuclear chemists. The project Cooperation In education in Nuclear CHemistry (CINCH) aims to coordinate the current fragmented and diverse activities in Nuclear Chemistry education and training in Europe both at Ph.D. and undergraduate levels, in...
Jukka Lehto
(Laboratory of Radiochemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland)
20/09/2012, 14:20
Education in radiochemistry and dissemination of culture in nuclear and radiochemistry
Invited Lecture
Within the EU project CINCH (Cooperation in education in nuclear chemistry) a survey on education of nuclear and radiochemistry (NRC) in European universities was produced by the University of Helsinki, Laboratory of Radiochemistry. Altogether 22 countries and 69 universities were covered by internet survey and by sending a questionnaire to appropriate departments. 42 universities, including...
Teodora Retegan
(Chalmers University of Technology)
20/09/2012, 14:40
Education in radiochemistry and dissemination of culture in nuclear and radiochemistry
Invited Lecture
ECVET is based on concepts and processes, which are used in a systematic way to establish a common and user-friendly language for transparency, transfer and recognition of learning outcomes in Europe. The European Parliament and the Council have adopted ECVET in 2009 and since then a number of projects dealing with implementation of ECVET have started.
Eleven projects between 2008-2011 and...
Bruce Hanson
(University of Leeds)
20/09/2012, 15:00
Invited Lecture
The CINCH project aims to coordinate education in nuclear chemistry, both at PhD and undergraduate levels, within the EU and Russia; targeting doctoral, masters’ students and research workers. Including these students into the system should increase attractiveness of the studies of nuclear chemistry and thus enlarge the source of highly qualified professionals for the future employers.
Kenan Unlu
(The Pennsylvania State University, USA)
20/09/2012, 15:20
Education in radiochemistry and dissemination of culture in nuclear and radiochemistry
Oral Communications
Recent curriculum development in the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at Penn State University includes Laboratory Experiments in Applied Nuclear and Radiochemistry and a new Nuclear Security Education Program (NSEP) being develop in collaboration with MIT and TAMU with the support of the DOE-NNSA, Global Threat Reduction Initiatives. To supplement the NSEP and attract more...