ARCEBS-14: Third International Conference on Application of RadiotraCers and Energetic Beams in Sciences

Ffort Raichak, Kolkata

Ffort Raichak, Kolkata

 The Third International Conference, "Application of RadiotraCers and  Energetic Beams in Sciences (ARCEBS-14)”, organized by the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India will be held at FFort Raichak, Kolkata during January 12-18, 2014.
  ARCEBS has crossed the subject boundaries from its inception and is a perfect blend of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Sciences and other interdisciplinary research areas like radioactive ion beam, superheavy elements, etc. The first and second conferences (ARCEBS-06 and ARCEBS-10), organized by SINP in 2006 and 2010, were highly successful by the participation of large number of scientists from 27 countries all over the globe.
  The scientific programme of ARCEBS-14 will be broad-based. All aspects of application of radiotracers and energetic beams will be included. The presentations envisage invited talks,oral and poster contributions.
   Do not miss ARCEBS-14.

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Instruction for submission of manuscript in JRNC
List of Oral presentations
List of Poster Presentations (Poster Size: 90 cm * 90 cm)
Timetable final
Registration Form
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