2nd EURISOL-NET (ENSAR/NA03) Working Group

Lecture Room FYS3 (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)

Lecture Room FYS3

University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Survontie 9, Physics Building
Alahari Navin (GANIL), Angela Bonaccorso (INFN, Pisa), Ari Jokinen (University of Jyvaskyla (FI)), Giacomo Cuttone (INFN Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud), Said Essabaa (Institut National de Physique Nucleaire... (IN3P3)), Yacine Kadi (CERN), Yorick Blumenfeld (Institut de Physique Nucléaire-Orsay)
2nd EURISOL-NET (ENSAR/NA03) Working Group meeting on Transfer of R&D Accomplishments between ISOL Facilities, will take place at the University of Jyväskylä over 2 days, starting at 08:30 on Tuesday 28th May and ending at 12:30 on Wednesday 29th May 2013. This second Workshop will consist of presentations on R&D ongoing at the ENSAR ISOL facilities and the possibilities this R&D opens for the current and next generation of ISOL facilities and in particular EURISOL: • Accelerators • Beam Manipulation & Purification • Ion sources • Neutron Converters • Target Material Studies (direct, fission) A comprehensive picture of the state of the art of ISOL R&D in Europe should emerge which is of interest for the entire community.