Applied Anti-neutrino Physics 2013 (AAP2013)
COEX Conference Center, Room 300, Seoul, Korea
COEX Conference Center, Room 300, Seoul, Korea
Seoul, Korea
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Applied Anti-neutrino Physics 2013 (AAP 2013)
Date: November 1~2, 2013
Venue: Room 300, COEX Convention Center, Seoul, KOREA
This year, the 9th annual Applied Anti-neutrino Physics Workshop will be hosted by Institute for Basic Science (IBS), at the COEX conference center in Seoul, South Korea.
The workshop will be held on November 1 (Friday) - 2 (Saturday), 2013. Conveniently for many travelers, it takes place directly after and at the same venue as the 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium.
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Applied Anti-neutrino Physics describes an ensemble of experimental and theoretical efforts which aim to use the anti-neutrino signal from nuclear reactors, and from the Earth itself, in order to address practical problems in nonproliferation and geology respectively. Since the 2004 inception of these workshops, groups worldwide have made considerable advances in defining and expanding the field, garnering interest from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which administers the world's most important nonproliferation regime, and from the geology/geophysics community.
This meeting will focus on the current activities and future directions in these areas, including reviews of ongoing experimental programs, relevant theoretical developments in understanding of the reactor and geologic signal, overlapping developments in fundamental physics experiments, and a review of progress in gaining acceptance of this new tool from the nonproliferation and geology communities. Areas of particular interest include progress on coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering, short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments and their overlap with reactor monitoring applications, and global progress on very large water Cerenkov and liquid scintillator anti-neutrino detectors for remote reactor monitoring.
Workshop Chairs:
Adam Bernstein - LLNL, Unite States
Yeongduk Kim - Sejong Univ. & IBS, South Korea
Thierry Lasserre - CEA, France
International Advisory Committee:
M. Battaglieri - INFN, Italy
M. Cribier - CEA, France
H. Kim - KNU, South Korea
J. Learned - Univ. of Hawaii, Unite States
W. McDonough - Univ. of Maryland, Unite States
F. Suekane - Tohoku Univ., Japan
A. Vacheret - Univ. of Oxford, United Kingdom
Y. Wang - IHEP, China
H. Wong - Sinica,Taiwan
Local Organizing Committee:
Kyungkwang Joo - CNU, South Korea
Hongjoo Kim - KNU, South Korea
Yeongduk Kim - Sejong Univ. & IBS, South Korea
Jeong-Yeon Lee - IBS, South Korea
Gwangmin Sun - KAERI, South Korea
Date: November 1~2, 2013
Venue: Room 300, COEX Convention Center, Seoul, KOREA
This year, the 9th annual Applied Anti-neutrino Physics Workshop will be hosted by Institute for Basic Science (IBS), at the COEX conference center in Seoul, South Korea.
The workshop will be held on November 1 (Friday) - 2 (Saturday), 2013. Conveniently for many travelers, it takes place directly after and at the same venue as the 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium.
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Applied Anti-neutrino Physics describes an ensemble of experimental and theoretical efforts which aim to use the anti-neutrino signal from nuclear reactors, and from the Earth itself, in order to address practical problems in nonproliferation and geology respectively. Since the 2004 inception of these workshops, groups worldwide have made considerable advances in defining and expanding the field, garnering interest from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which administers the world's most important nonproliferation regime, and from the geology/geophysics community.
This meeting will focus on the current activities and future directions in these areas, including reviews of ongoing experimental programs, relevant theoretical developments in understanding of the reactor and geologic signal, overlapping developments in fundamental physics experiments, and a review of progress in gaining acceptance of this new tool from the nonproliferation and geology communities. Areas of particular interest include progress on coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering, short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments and their overlap with reactor monitoring applications, and global progress on very large water Cerenkov and liquid scintillator anti-neutrino detectors for remote reactor monitoring.
Workshop Chairs:
Adam Bernstein - LLNL, Unite States
Yeongduk Kim - Sejong Univ. & IBS, South Korea
Thierry Lasserre - CEA, France
International Advisory Committee:
M. Battaglieri - INFN, Italy
M. Cribier - CEA, France
H. Kim - KNU, South Korea
J. Learned - Univ. of Hawaii, Unite States
W. McDonough - Univ. of Maryland, Unite States
F. Suekane - Tohoku Univ., Japan
A. Vacheret - Univ. of Oxford, United Kingdom
Y. Wang - IHEP, China
H. Wong - Sinica,Taiwan
Local Organizing Committee:
Kyungkwang Joo - CNU, South Korea
Hongjoo Kim - KNU, South Korea
Yeongduk Kim - Sejong Univ. & IBS, South Korea
Jeong-Yeon Lee - IBS, South Korea
Gwangmin Sun - KAERI, South Korea
Abdoul-Aziz Zakari
Adam Bernstein
Alexander Chepurnov
Antonin Vacheret
bongho kim
cheungchan kim
David Reyna
Emmanuel Olaoluwa SOBADE
Eunju Jeon
H.K. Park
Hisataka Furuta
HongJoo Kim
HyunOk Kim
Jaison Lee
Jeong-Yeon Lee
Kang Soon Park
kean ha park
kyung Ju Ma
Marco Battaglieri
Mark Vagins
Mat Pyle
Matthieu Vivier
Mikhail Skorokhvatov
Minfang Yeh
Mohsin Jamil
Nam Young KIM
Patrick Huber
Pyungwon Ko
Romain Roncin
Seon-Hee Seo
Shugo Oguri
Siyeon Kim
sookhyung song
Stephen Lars Olsen
Steve Dye
Tenzing Joshi
Thierry Lasserre
Vladislav Kobychev
William McDonough
Yang Hwan Ahn
Yeongduk Kim
Yoshitaro Takaesu
Young-ju Ko
Yu Seon Jeong
Yufeng Li
Yuri Efremenko