Topical workshop on top quark differential distributions

Cannes, France

Cannes, France

Alexander Mitov (University of Cambridge), Juan Rojo Chacon (CERN), Michal Czakon (RWTH Aachen)

The Workshop aims at maximising the scientific opportunity presented by:

  • The forthcoming fully differential results for top pair production at NNLO, and
  • The post-Higgs-discovery restart of the LHC at maximum energy.

The meeting will bring together a group of experts in top physics and closely related subjects (parton distribution functions, parton showers, soft gluon resummation). The discussion will also be guided by the subtleties of experimental SM and bSM analyses.

The goal of the Workshop is to maximise the impact of the forthcoming fully differential NNLO results and help guide the need for further developments. Some questions that ideally will be addressed are:

  • What unstudied distributions will be of interest,
  • The role of soft and collinear resummation; where it is needed,
  • Impact on PDF's,
  • Transitioning to realistic final states: including top decays, finite width corrections, parton showers, etc.
  • Experimental issues,
  • "Requests" from bSM physics.

The format of the meeting will be 2 days of selected plenary talks with plenty of time for discussions. To maximise the scientific opportunity, the meeting will take place at the same location as, and will immediately precede, the annual Workshop Top2014. This will allow the participants to attend also the Top2014 Workshop (separate registration is required!). Ideally we would like to produce a concise White paper that summarises the findings and recommendations of the Workshop.

The meeting is by invitation only. If interested, please contact one of the organisers. 

Confirmed participants include: Maria Aldaya (DESY), Freya Blekman (Vrije), Alessandro Broggio (PSI), Fabrizio Caola (Johns Hopkins), Tancredi Carli (CERN), Roberto Chierici (CERN/Lyon), Amanda Cooper-Sarkar (Oxford), Michael Czakon (Aachen), Carmen Diez (DESY), Stefano Forte (Milano), Rikkert Frederix (CERN), Philip Ilten (MIT), James Keaveney (Brussels), Andreas Meyer (DESY), Alexander Mitov (Cambridge), Andrew Papanastasiou (DESY), Joao Pires (Milano), Stefan Prestel (DESY), Juan Rojo (CERN/Oxford), Jose Santiago (Granada), Markus Schulze (CERN), Francesco Spano (Royal Holloway), Roberto Tenchini (Pisa), Robert Thorne (UCL), Jan Winter (Munich), Malgorzata Worek (Aachen).  

This workshop is partially supported by the European Research Council Starting Grant 'PDF4BSM: Parton Distributions in the Higgs Boson Era'