MVC and caching

513/R-068 (CERN)



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Two topics to discuss: * Project plan * MVC framework * Caching
Present: Maarten, Julia, Marian, Andrea, Hector, Pablo, Alexandre, Eddie, Costin, Ivan, Luca (last to arrive)
Vidyo: David, Salvatore
Minutes taken by Costin

1. Jira actions
    #25 - Marian : ETA 2w
    #27 - ready for pre-production, ATLAS has sent the packages already, CMS not yet, will probably push deadline with 1mo
    #55 - ALICE to keep sending test messages until issue is understood

2. MVC
    Alexandre : it might be hard to port existing jQuery apps / widgets to Ember, could require rewriting the widget (better)
    Pablo: a single, large, development effort would solve many apps in one go (XBrowse?)
    Julia: should re-evaluate Ember after the SAM3 migration to see how much actual effort it takes

3. Enabling caching for monitoring applications
    Lots of discussion around the presentation, main points
        - caching is very important and definitely should be used, with priority to high visibility pages
        - important to set correct (and varying) validity on the cached objects
        - the question of authentication in combination with varnish
        - how to figure out if the cache works, how good of a job it does

Next meeting:

Friday 23th at 9:30 (note the special time!). Main topic: Automatic report generation.

Volunteers for taking minutes: Luca (twice) + Nicolo
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