Application of Monte Carlo codes in radiation shielding and dosimetry
This lecture will review some of the applications of Monte Carlo codes in radiation physics and dosimetry, providing a number of examples with comparison with experimental results where available. The following topics will be addressed:
1) calculation of radiation shielding and energy deposition studies for the LHC and for future CERN high-power accelerators;
2) induced radioactivity in accelerators, its impact on accelerator operation and on accelerator decommissioning (the example of LEP);
3) exposure of man at commercial flight altitudes, modelling of aircraft to assess influence of material distribution around passengers and crew, and modelling the cosmic neutron field on earth;
4) example of designing radiation protection instrumentation;
5) calculations of fluence to dose conversion coefficients used to estimate the radiation risk to humans;
6) evaluation of radiation risk caused by exposure to narrow beams at high-energy accelerators (gas bremsstrahlung and high-energy protons).