Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme
FCC 5 and FCC 6 (3/4)
222/R-001 (CERN)
FCC Hadron Collider Design: Daniel Schulte
Abstract: The lecture will present FCC-hh, the hadron collider of the Future Circular Collider. The conceptual design and basic parameters will be discussed. Key beam dynamics and technology challenges will be highlighted, as well as fundamental design choices. An insight into the increasing R&D programme will be given.
FCC Lepton Collider Design: Frank Zimmermann
Abstract: The electron-positron collider, FCC-ee, should provide collisions over a wide range of beam energies, ranging from roughly 35 GeV to almost 200 GeV. The physics goals of the FCC-ee collider call for luminosities around 1e36 cm-2s-1 per interaction point at the Z pole and several 1e34 cm-2s-1 at the ZH production peak. The beam energy should be pushed above 175 GeV, with a total synchrotron-radiation power not exceeding 100 MW. The extremely high luminosities and resulting short beam lifetime, due to radiative Bhabha scattering, can be sustained by top-up injection. The FCC-ee accelerator design combines extrapolations from LEP and the (Super) B factories. It also considers a few additional effects, such as beamstrahlung. This lecture will review the FCC-ee baseline configurations, the ongoing beam-optics development, and some of the beam dynamics challenges.
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Sponsor: Uli Raich